MovieChat Forums > Dark Blood (2014) Discussion > Why is this movie still on River's filmo...

Why is this movie still on River's filmography...

... if it is reportedly unfinished, unreleased and (presumably) no member of the general public has seen it???????!

Four minutes ahead of schedule. Damn, I'm good...


because he was making it...ok i dont know how to explain this :S


it was still a film wasnt it
and anyway it has to be included, its river phoneix for christs sake, the james dean of our generation!


I don't really understand why this movie is credited since it's unfinished...and how come there's the plot summary and some quotes?So someone must have seen it!They should delete it from Rio's filmography...because the director isn't going to release it in any way...DAMN,THAT'S NOT FAIR THOUGH!


I know this is a completely different subject but why does everyone say River was James Dean of our generation... no he;s River of our generation!

Wherever, Whatever... Have A Nice Day




Oops, guess you were wrong? :P



I was insulting James Dean! I was just saying, River wasn't the James Dean of our generation!

"People think I have a lil' crush on River Phoenix, I don't I actually LOVE him!" - Said By Me!



Delete this movie????
come on, if anyone want to check which movies this actor did...they can see that River made Dark blood but couldn't finish it....and the reason they see too


ive seen dark blood! it is finished, i rented it out at the rental store, no bull.



my question is how are there quotes and stuff if its unreleased?

"If I was starving, would you buy me pants?"- EM
"Bull True!!"- CC
RIP River Phoenix


... but to confirm that it was unfinished, you'd have to first visit its individual page. His official CV on here gives no clue of its status.

It deserves mention as a piece of information related to River's career, but I don't think it belongs on his resume.

Believe or die! "Thank you, forgiving Lord, for all those options..."



If he didn't finish it, then I don't think it belongs on any otherwise complete list of HIS work.

Heck, Silent Tongue is chronologically placed ahead of this, and yet that IS finished! It makes no sort of sense whatsoever.

Believe or die! "Thank you, forgiving Lord, for all those options..."


i think it should still be on his filmography, at the top of the list of course. and credited as "unfinished".
why does it say "1993" beside it? aren't the dates beside the movies the release dates?


i think it should still be on his filmography, at the top of the list of course. and credited as "unfinished".
why does it say "1993" beside it? aren't the dates beside the movies the release dates?

... I agree with all of that; it's what I was thinking. Thank you!

Believe or die! "Thank you, forgiving Lord, for all those options..."


I would guess that because it was never realeased that it occupies the position on his list when it was actually filmed.

I don't think it should be removed from his filmography. He filmed it...or at least the best part of it. And it exists, somewhere as a piece of River Phoenix's work.

Unless IMDB creates a new section in everyone's filmorgraphy to list unfinished works then it might as well stay where it is. Otherwise we would have no clue it even existed at all if we were to look at his filmography. And after all it is a very important part of his body of work.

It's just such a shame that it's not available for release, even unfinished I would like to see it.



Well, bi.

