So is River in this?

Does he actually star in this?

Was it made back when he was alive almost 20 years ago??

is it released? it says last year but ive never heard of it.


Yes, he does. It was the last movie he was working on before his untimely death. The footage was stored away and Sluizer had it...spirited away, when he heard there was a danger that it would be destroyed by the storage company holding it, to make more room. It's already been shown at film festivals in Europe and it will make its US debut at The Miami Film Festival in March. It's supposed to get some theatrical run afterwards, although that might be limited.

It was only 80% complete before its star was lost, but Sluizer finishes the project by using creative editing and narration. It's an interesting project and the plot revolves around three, isolated characters in the middle of a desert area, old nuclear testing site, where River's character, Boy, has been living alone for a very long time. He takes the notion of "sustainable living" to a new extreme. When a Hollywood couple becomes stranded near his shack, he comes through as a seemingly saving hand but the interactions between characters becomes more complicated than that. Boy believes in the mystical power of human will and he carves kachina dolls and builds shrines to focus his will on what he wants. He's pretty serious about this stuff, which isn't surprising since...he's been managing survival in the middle of the desert, alone and for a very long time. He's had a lot of time to think about it. He wants a woman and -- presto! -- one falls on his doorstep in the middle of the night in the middle of the desert. But the energy must've gotten a bit mixed up because in tow, comes her husband who was stranded as well, the two were travelling in an attempt to save their chaotic marriage. So, audiences get a taste of River as a sweet...madman, which is as weird and intriguing as it sounds...
