Was it good?

People who saw this movie:

was it good? by the time i heard about it, it had already been released for two weeks. It didn't sound like it was going to do good in theatres and it was in select threatres as it was. i really wanted o see it but i guess that i will have to wait til it comes out on DVD. so was it good?



Yeah, I thought it was brilliant. Really entertaining. Quite sad at the end but fun in the first three quarters. Definitely worth buying.

"Hey, this is a private residence, man!"


VERY good.. not a masterpiece, some minor flaws, but still VERY GOOD!!


A very good movie. I saw it on DVD which has deleted scenes that add another dimension to what viewers saw at the theatre. Besides the AIDS theme, the overcrowding situation was also addressed. Incidents that occurred at Caraniru also occurred in the US at the New Mexico State Penitentiary. The prison was overcrowded, officials overlooked the abused of inmate on inmate crime and corruption among prison guards.



Yeah, it's great.

You'll like it if: You dig movies like City of God or Pixote (by the same director as Carandiru, Hector Babenco).

You won't like it if: You think The Shawshank Redemption is a great prison film.

"I want a mustache damn it! I want to look like Burt Reynolds!"


I just got done watching it and I found it to be a good movie. Err...being that it was my first South American film, I'm not really one to judge, but I thought that it was very well done. I sympathized with the various characters, laughed and smiled at certain parts, felt horrible at others. If nothing else, give it a rent :) I found it at Blockbuster right next to City of God...heh, I'll rent that one next. :D However, it did feel like a long movie, my roommate gave up half way through and went to bed.




Shawshank Redemption is just bad "inspirational" mainstream Hollywood crap.




You can't judge a movie by the book it was based on!



ummm, the shawshank redemption was a great movie, i mean a GREAT movie, and the book was quite good as well.

and by the way i also liked this movie and city of god ;)


I didn't really like it. I do like Babenco, with Pixote and At Play in the Fields of the Lord, but this one for me is far below them. It seemed like a farely cheesy comedy, like with the rat biting and the introductions to the doctor, like when Schwarzenegger meets the children in Kindergarden Cop, then there is the unbelievably pleasant prisoners, blah.


i really liked this movie... really sad end though.... very nice. i am not from Brazil so i dont undrerstand a word they say but what i got from subtitles, it was a really nice movie.... the way Zico killed his friend was totally HORRIBLE!

Does that mean you cant even trust your best friends anymore? not even the people you grew up with as your siblings? totally horrible.


It means that you can never trust a junkie


I'm with blackpanthers on this. I really liked City of God, but this seemed like contrived *beep* Maybe it was the style but I'd prefer, if you were going to tackle a subject with this level of psychological weight behind it, to make it more gritty and realistic. It just lacked that intensity. For example, where is the build up of tension leading up to the riot? It just seems all of a sudden they are rioting for no good reason, even though they all seem to be partying and having a grand ole time before that. It just wasn't cohesive to me, than again maybe it was a stylistic decision, either way, I didn't dig it.
