Best Undergrad

I really can't decide between Nitz and Gimpy. Although they are totally different their probably the funniest charecters ever




I agree, Cal followed closely by Gimpy

Cal: I've had sex with all the pretty ladies on campus! And even a few not-so-pretty ladies!

Cal: I'm mastering my joystick, guy! slrrp

And 'Thug Cal' was probably the funniest thing I've ever seen.

"Think for yourself. Question authority."


For me it's either Cal or Rocko. I mean, how could anyone choose Nitz as their favourite character. He's such a tool! Have you seen the season finale? Where he tries soooo hard to get with Kimmy and ends up screwing everything up with Jesse? She wanted him the whole season, and he's too thick and stupid to realise it! AH!


i'd pick Cal one of my favorite quotes

Cal: No do you know whats annoying when bugs fly up your nose and when you sneeze you get bug boogers

Cal: Can you be quiet lady i can't hear myself slerp (Slpp)




Cal hands down.

Cal: Well it's a good thing I didn't sleep with any of my lady friends... we just played a little game called "unprotected sex".


Rocko has some great overlooked moments, like when he put on the Giant Rocko Head and tried to beat up Cal. Or when he drank the can of rancid clam juice and handcuffed himself to the stop-sign. Or the time he started CHEWING on another stop-sign.


1st: Cal
2nd: Rocko
3rd: Gimpy
4th: Nitz

"Old Toby: The finest weed in the Southfarthing." - Bilbo Baggins


