The Music

I'm I alone in thinking that underGRADS featured some truly freat music? It's the kind of music that almost anyone could dig. anyone else agree?


Totally. I love the song played at the end of the last episode.


I agree...the music featured in Undergrads was truly unique. Before they had the song listings on the website, I tried so hard to find it on the web. It gives a different variety of music other than the mainstream that is out today.




How did you guys get the music? Everytime I search for it, nothing comes up.

That's right...I went there.


Years of tracking down the original artists through various fansites, promotional pages, p2p networks, canadian cd shops, etc. etc. Heck, i've even signed up for one of those MP3 downloading sites that gave you five free downloads just to get ONE track that was on the soundtrack.

i've pretty much given up hope on finding any more tracks. i'm only missing like five, and i'm almost certain i'm never going to find them

but i've said this before about other tracks and then i'd find it months later. Like just now, i got the strawberry CD off ebay for a buck. i only want the song "20 Dollar High" but a buck is a fair deal. So see? i just now added to the soundtrack literally a year or so after i thought i'd be done looking for tracks.

I've been waiting on a guy from Mountain Mama to reply to my email to send me a copy of "soul gun." I've been waiting since MAY. He said he doesn't check that address often... i can tell.

I've done all the work no one else really wants to do.

i am electric jesus.


Hey....I remember you...Man it is hard to find the UG music.


The picture didn't work for me, I was wondering if you found the parody/cover tracks the show used? Like the Hold me Now and such..



I always loved the undergrad music. Is there any way I could get some of those songs off you (or maybe even a copy of the CD?)


would it be ok if i zipped up the OST and used one of those sites to send it? (like usend or something.)

i'm sure that wouldn't violate any rules considering it's canadian bands from independant labels. but someone tell me yes or no, and i might just make a crapload of undergrads fans crap their pants in joy.

i am electric jesus.


Do it Do it Do it!


if i spark enough interest i will.

i am electric jesus.


Zipping them up and sending them on one of those sites sounds cool... would you mind? I'd really like to get ahold of those songs.


FYI, if i do this it's 414MB. so dialup is practically screwed.

i am electric jesus.


I have broadband man

please do it. I love the music on this show and some of it is so hard to find I too have been looking everywhere for some of it.

IT;d be a huge help

FYI here's a list of some uplaod sites you can use
Size Limit: 1024 MB
Download Limit: 250 Downloads
File Life: 7 Days
Size Limit: 1 GB
Download Limit: 20 Downloads
File Life: 5 days
Size Limit: 1 GB
Download Limit: 25 Downloads
File Life: 7 Days
Requires a Sign-up, but is free and fast
Size Limit: 1 GB
Download Limit: Unlimited

Yousendit might be fastest


Ok, this is the way it's going to work. i'm going to wait until monday to host the file. it's already zipped and ready to go. those that want it, PM me and let me know. when the file is up, i'll send you the link.

**note* i'm doing this with the assumption this is not illegal based on the rarity/obscurity/independance of this music. There is a FAQ file in the zip folder, it concerns a song NOT included based on copyright laws. (this is the only way i can do this, but trust me, it's not like it's a hard song to find...) So that means i would read the FAQ first. **

You've got until monday to PM me, everyone.


Thanks so much man, I literally will crap my pants in joy.


Update: Should be ready sometime either late tonight or early tomorrow. it's uploading to yousendit while i watch, ironically, undergrads.

people can still PM me until monday. If you don't know how to check your PM's, just look in the upper right hand corner, where it says private messages.

i am electric jesus.


SWEET !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


upload timeout after about 4 hours... probably near finish. hahaha. i have to start over...

i am electric jesus.


Man that sucks I know have pissy that can be, I've had yousendit monster do that to me a handful of times.


part 1 of 2 is out to those who PM'ed me. winRAR is required to unzip.

part 2 will be up later on.

i am electric jesus.


Thanks you so much man. Can't wait for Part 2.

Btw whats your offical tracklist? as of now?


what i have is the same as what's listed in ug_back.jpg. it's as current as it can be.

i am electric jesus.


kk cool


confirm the two files work for me? You know, just so i know i don't have to upload them anymore. heh.

i am electric jesus.


Give me like 1 hour while they download.


I dunno the second disc only is only present up till

Track 8

8b Juice - Dragging me down

is corrupted.

and the rest of the disc isn't there.

Part 2 gives Disc 2 & 3 completely


so disc 2 is corrupted?

are disc 1, 3 and 4 fine?

i'm downloading part 1 to look into it.

Edit: i would just redownload part 1 if i were you, it seems okay to me.

i am electric jesus.


Cool man it works fine. I LOVE IT I LOVE IT


Hey I really like that strawberry song, you mentioned that you got the full cd.

I really enjoy that 20 mile high song.

Do you think you upload that since its so rare?

It'd really mean alot to me.

Also now all your missing is

-all Jono Grant songs, (He was composer for the show and covered songs, the originals are featured)

what covers did he do specifically? Since Pete is an active member of this community maybe he can up them.

-Mountain Mama's "Soul Gun." This was requested back in May 05, no word from the band member yet.

-Mladen Borosak's "Y U Comin' Round" I cannot track this one down for the life of me.

-In the Pink's "I'll be yours forever" I cannot track this one down for the life of me.


strawberry's 20 dollar high should be in disk 4 somewhere, i think.

Jono Grant covered:

Hold me Now
Time has come today
Kiss you All Over
Ballroom blitz
Don't Answer Me
Eye in the Sky
All out of Love

i am electric jesus.


No I mean didn't you said you bought a full album by the band


Could you up the full album?


oh, yeah i could but since it was a used cd a lot of the tracks were scratched and thus unplayable.

this doesn't bother me too much, for a buck i got the song i wanted and it had no scratches. ^^;

i am electric jesus.


I guess just upload the stuff that works on the CD if you can. Thats cool.


i'll get back to you when i get what i can.

i am electric jesus.


Thanks dude

EDIT: Acutally if it really is all scratched and stuf its fine if you don't up it

I think I found someone who can upload the album for me

but anyways what other rare indie records did you aquire while searching for undergrad stuff?


2 vibrolux albums - love is a drug, and blaze on
paintbox's album
hennessey's album
brown eyed susans' album
knacker's album
juice's album

i am electric jesus.


Do you think you could up

paintbox's album


hennessey's album



I can't download the first part.... it keeps getting an error when it gets to about half way.


the only thing i can say it keep trying, i've downloaded it to make sure it works.

if you do keep having problems just let me know, i'll try something else.

i am electric jesus.


Yeah I got it to work, thanks.


Hey, I'm really sorry to ask, but is there anyway you could post the music again or I could get it from someone? I'd really appreciate it, thanks.


what's the song at the end of the last show ?


overboard by the Rosenbergs

i am electric jesus.


hey do u think u could do me a favour of sending me what songs u got? it be a great help ive been hunting down songs but only have about 5 and i love all 5 soo very much haha but i cant find the cd for strawberry atall:S well if u think u can help me any way plz do thnanks


Hate it when you just miss the deadline...I myself have scrounged around (not quite as extensively as you have though, I must say), looking for a lot of these songs. Anyways, it's only late this evening that I've discovered this site after being an underGRADS fan since shortly after its origins.

Long story short, I don't suppose your offering your services anymore are you? Haha. It's cool if your not, but I feel I definately need to ask.


as a favor to you all, i extended my deadline to this sunday.

two more people can still get the OST from me, after that it's up to those who now have it to share the glorious OST with the rest of you dilated up horn, flapjackers!

heh. wookiee.

so the next two who PM me will be the last two who can acquire it.

i am electric jesus.


I have access to quite a bit of legal indi music, if you put the artist names with those song titles I could easily find them for myself, please.


arrrghhh i missed out on the chance to get the OST. I just discovered the show and would love to get the music. does anyone have a zipped file available on their website, and if so, could you post the link!?

Undergrads rules!


just wanted to let everyone who's been anxiously waiting, i have found what i think is a more permanent file hosting service. the link will be 414mb, so be prepared.

the good news is, it's permanent as long as someone downloads it at least once every 15 days.

Your best bet is to PM me again so have a new list of who still wants/needs it.

this will be the last time i host it, so if for some reason the 15 days goes by and no one gets it, it's gone for good.

i am electric jesus.


Check your PM's you few who've PM'ed me.

i am electric jesus.



So are you still hosting the music somewhere? I never got an email or a PM back.


im still interested too - any luck trying a different hosting method?
Thanks for helpin us fans track down the great music!!!


If you guys PM and give me a couple of days I can probably host the soundtrack for a little bit. Lemme know if you want me to.


thanks for stepping up to the plate, golden. i haven't found a suitable host or the time to upload it again. this was my intention, to get it out there and have those who have it share the love.

a million thanks for helping.

i am electric jesus. (formerly known as korn_1_4. i was 14 when i created that name, now i'm 21. felt it was time for a change. :D )


Sorry it took so long; through a combination of internet problems, schoolwork, and various other things, it's been delayed, but it's finally up! It's only at Megaupload at the moment, but I'm still looking for a better host, so hopefully something'll turn up. In the meantime, if you've PMed me, I should've gotten back to you. If not, PM me again, or anyone else that wants it, and I'll send the links.


Maybe it is time to share the ENTIRE BATCH on a P2P network?

Creating an e-link would easier for us to download the song, not one by one, and would hurt the artist, so they are single themes... in fact, thanks to songs like "Ode to Mannheim Steamroller" I've became client and follower of great bands.


Could Someone perhaps upload the music files as a torrent
I think that would allso be a great way to distribute the files
And if anyone knows of available links for the files plz PM me
I had a hole load of the files a few years back but that was like 3 computers ago


Could someone please tell me the songs that played over the endings of "Traditions", "Financial Aid" and "Risk"? Cause i really liked one of them but can't remember which episode it was from. I would download the whole batch but dont have that much space on my i pod. Much thanks :)


Is the soundtrack still up anywhere? If it is, could someone please send me a link to it? Thanks a million.


I'd also like a link if at all possible. Undergrads music is genius.


me too..its such a good soundtrack


Yeah I loved the show and the soundtrack, if anyone can pm me a link, then I would really appreciate it.

For the last damn time, I am NOT the black guy from the Mod Squad!


Hey man, can you shoot me the link? My email is [email protected]. It's for the Undergrads songs!


Could I get a link as well?


I'd also like a link. If anyone is hosting this, could you just leave a message on the boards, and in return I could PM you for the link? Thanks.


Yeh Man if someone could send me the link that would be awesome [email protected]


Hey, i would really appreciate it if someone send me the link as well. Undergrads is one of my most favourite shows and the music is awesome. My e-mail is [email protected]


Luke Sneyd from Mountain Mama just emailed me "Soul Gun" to add to the list. Give me a little while to process it and i'll get it up for you guys who already need it.

This is exciting... and I thought I was done finding songs! Hah! One song a year, I guess?

i am electric jesus.


Awesome, I can hardly wait :D
(I Really want the song "we'll do just fine" by paintbox... I've looked everywhere I could possibly think of to find it, other than paying $20 for the whole CD I've been SOL :P)


ppl, if you want the undergrads soundtrack, pm electric jesus for it!

he has a now working upload spot for it for a limited time frame!

hurry before its gone!

thanks electric jesus for the early xmas present lol...



I would like it too. [email protected]


Sent the link out to a bunch of folks who've PM'ed me. I think this is good until june 7th... so get to it people!!!

i am electric jesus.


The Brodys - "Religious Girls" has been added, and I will be getting another update prepared. you all know what to do.

i am electric jesus.


can you send me a link to that soundtrack? it would be much appreciated.. IM not sure how to pm.. but heres my email if your willing to help out. thanks.

[email protected]


i would love a link to the soundtrack as well. i already sent a pm, but here's a post too just in case somebody else has it to save electricjesus any work they can. i would especially love someone to send me "overboard" by the rosenbergs if at all possible, but being able to get all the songs would be even better.

[email protected]


Same here, I sent a PM but no response. Anyone still have the link I'd really appreciate it. My email is [email protected] thanks.


Hey Electric Jesus...I just sent you an e-mail.

My e-mail is [email protected]

You can send me the link there. Hopefully I get a response before June 7 !

Thanks once again.


im pretty sure that was june 7th of last year.

wouldnt mind having a copy msyelf, but we may be too late in the game.


never say never. i've been trying to complete this thing for years now, and I think i'm as close as i'm ever going to get...

I don't have the FAQ handy, but as of now i'm missing:

I'll be Yours Forever by In the Pink
anything by Jono Grant that wasn't a cover song
Y U Comin' Round by Mladen Borosak

I think that about covers it for now. No new link for you guys yet, but eventually I'll have a place to store it...

i am electric jesus.
