Would you visit if...

Hi everyone, a while back I spoke with Pete Williams over MySpace about an Undergrads fansite. I had the domain registered and I had the basic template of the site made up and ready to go. He thought it was great and was into the idea. We decided to wait and see if Decode would allow us to use the images (ie the logo) on the site but we never heard back. This was upwards of almost 2 years ago now.
So my question is: if I go ahead and make the site, would people visit?
Basically it will be a place for Undergrads fans to collaborate and hang out. It will have message boards or forums whatever you'd like to call them for everyone to discuss things.
It would also be a place for trying to rally up people to figure out ways for us to try and get the show back. Although I don't think Pete has much desire to do it anymore.

Hopefully we can being the Undergrads community together and get them to try and make something happen.

If enough people would want to spend time on the site I'll do it. But if not, I'm not too fond of wasting money.

So basically it will be a fansite/active effort for resurrecting the show.
I haven't been in discussions with Pete recently but a section where he comes to the site and writes messages or blogs will definitely be in order.

Let me know what you all think.



Go for it. They're aware of you, and normally any company is fine with fansites. It is free advertising.


I would also like to speak to Decode, Pete, as well as Teletoon directly and see what it would take to legally have the show on the website. Even if it's a pay per view type thing, just so it gets more and more exposure.
This has got to be one of the most underrated unknown shows out there and I want to help change that.
btw scummbuddy I like your blog on Mission Hill and Clone High...2 shows that should also gain more exposure.


They might let you show clips, but probably not full episodes, since they might cut into DVD sales. Then again letting a site say have "Party" available for download and/or online viewing might be possible, since this would encourage people to buy the DVD to see more.


i'd definitely visit. Undergrads was my favorite show to watch growing up as well as Daria. If your site doesn't get a million members,you'd have one from me.


I've decided to make the fansite a go! I will be receiving help from another fan here at IMDB for input and assitance.
We will reach our fellow Undergrads fans.
I will be updating this thread or start a new one on here as the process of finishing or redesigning the site. It's going to take some time now that the Undergrads.tv website is down again, but luckily I saved a bunch of the content before (ie the song lists, and info) and rest assured I will get it done!

Stay tuned!


i 'will' stay tuned

"Be the change you wish to see in the world."
