mandy vs gaz

who is scarier? (gaz being the girl from invader zim)


I'd go with Mandy on that point... she rips out the entire universe by smiling, that's creepy!

I had a hamster once, he commited suicide...



actually when i said scarier i meant more evil cuz they both have that dark attitude, cursing everyone and threatening them and what not. but ya...


Hmmm...Well I'd have to go with Gaz...The stuff she did in the episode Game Slave 2 outdoes most of the things Mandy has done.
In my opinion.



Gaz is awesome.


Mandy did make it for every single person and animal on Earth out of existence by using the final wish from Grim's mother, so on that note she is scarier. She does also vow to bring mayhem and destruction upon the Universe, but not by a trick it will be on her own.


Gaz is a friggin brat. She is more evil though.

but they're pretty much tied at who's scarier.

Mandy ftw though.

When yr dancing, and laughing, and FINALLY LIVING, hear my voice in yr head and think of me kindly…




As much as I love Mandy, Gaz wins the evil category hands down. Gaz is way more evil than Mandy.

Gaz rox!!!


Gaz all the way. She's awesome and a lot more evil than Mandy.


Gaz is too obviously creepy and evil, Mandy on the other hand doesn't usually look like a dark person, minus the character's traditional facial expression, and is actually much more smarter than Gaz is. Gaz is just a bully, Mandy has much more on her mindset, which to me makes her a better character.

"Everybody wants deep, meaningful films, yet nobody learns from them."


I think Gaz is creepier on a surface level. But if we really get down to Mandy's vengeful nature, I'd she is scarier. Mandy has the wits and the will to take over humanity if she really wanted to--whereas Gaz is too attached to her Game Slave to care.
