
I liked most of this series.

Certain parts though, tried, very timidly, to test the waters of "america, in ww2, was evil".

The part where the soldier wrote home, described of being a Yale student (gee what a surprise) , and told his family that the army was trying, through propaganda, to paint Germany, Italy and Japan as evil, vicious countries.....but OF COURSE, HE, BEING SMARTER THAN MOST, knew the truth, only those of "lesser education" believed this crock.

Ok. I think, and I may be wrong (but I ain't) that making your troops HATE the enemy, making your troops see their own actions as actions that will save millions of civilians JUST MIGHT get more out of em than telling them that "this war is one of geo political ideologies, neither side is right or wrong, YOURE just fighting for big business......YEAH, that would get me fired up.

I could just see this Yale smartguy strolling in to Dachau LOUDLY telling all his troop how HE, for one, is happy that now that the war was almost over, all those "EVIL NAZI" lectures would stop and he wouldn't have is SUPERIOR INTELLECT insulted any longer............just before he saw his FIRST stack of bodies.........
