wich hammett novel?

On wich Hammett novel is this movie based?


It's in the Continental Op novel along with the The Tenth Clew, The Golden Horseshoe, The Girl wit the Silver Eyes, The Whosis Kid, The Main Death, and The Farewell Murder.



Why didn't Hammett use the Op for The Maltese Falcon?

"God doesn't make the world the way it is.

We Do"-Rorschach, Watchmen



I should try reading the book, Bogey didn't come off Sleazy to me at all.

"God doesn't make the world the way it is.

We Do"-Rorschach, Watchmen


You can never go wrong reading Hammett. You'll be amazed at how many of the movies you've seen (aside from the obvious ones) are based on his novels and short stories. Read "The Glass Key" and then go watch "Miller's Crossing" again. :)


This isn't from a novel, but a short story. "The Continental Op" isn't a novel, but a short story collection.

I'd love to see a series, HBO or even Mystery! series, of the Continental Op.
And given his description, I think Paul Giamatti would be the perfect actor for it. He may not seem "tough" enough, but what little description we ever get of the CO actually fits him well.

Rorschach: Hurm.


"The Continental OP" is the main character of his first 2 novels though: Red Harvest and The Dain Curse. He also uses him for a few short stories as well.

And to be honest - besides his looks - I don't notice too much a difference b/w him and Spade. (but I've only read 'Falcon' and a couple short stories he's featured in)


i soooo agree.

a movie or a series with giamatti as the 'op' could be a real winner. he fits hammett's description to a 't'.

you are soooo correct in this.

a 42


Because Sam Spade's a different character than the Op, and it wouldn't have been the same story.



No Good Deed" is based on Dashiell Hammett's short (and very short) story titled "The House on Turk Street" which is included his book "The Continental Op."


CONTINENTAL OP story THE HOUSE ON TURK STREET, I think it's in the "Continental Op"

Movie is not very good.

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