Alex and Tess

I just finished watching season one and really liked it. However I can't stand Alex and Tess together. They seem to bring out the most annoying sides of each other. Alex is much better with Claire and Tess with Nick so I'm happy to know that those are the pairings that apparently end up together (until Claire's death at least).

Does anybody else feel that way? Do you think that was the point? Whenever somebody asks Tess if she loves Alex, she doesn't have much of an answer.


I think was the whole Tess being afraid of commitment thing. She chose the brother who she couldn't see a future with because she didn't want to tempt fate by falling in love. I would personally feel the ick factor if I dated two brothers, so I think there should've been some other character for Tess to hook up with to avoid that ick. Then again, the whole brother thing brings in the additional drama with Liz.


Absolutely.. Nick and tess are made for each other.. Everything else is just so annoying to watch.. Alex with tess and Nick with Sally.. Many Happy moments ahead keep watching.
