New Albumn

The official website ( says spring 2006 for the new one (autumn for us southern folk). Ive heard heaps of dates but this is from the official site so fingers crossed

Donnie youre out of your element


the reason they waited so long is hilarious...


That would be....


they basically were under the impression that a huge commet was gonna hit the earth in 2006. so they thought, "why do all that work if we're gonna die in a year?"

then i guess it blew over and they started writing.

this was all on about a year and a half ago.


umm you know tool likes to mess with people right?
you know that about 80% of the thing they say are jokes or just plain old bulls**t. I like the name of the new album and the track titles that cracks me up.


either way it made me laugh.


tool album, i feel like im waiting forever¡¡¡¡, but finally, any news about the debut video,_?



There's a big difference between Ten Thousand Fists and 10,000 Days.


any one know what the first single is called?



It leaked

Its awesome.

Llorando por tu amor.


Heard Vicarious on the radio a couple of days ago.

In f u c k i n g credible.


Actually 10,000 days is about 27 years, Maynard's mom died about 27 years after she was in some kind of accident that put her in a wheelchair, and her middle name is Marie so I don't think the album name and titles are bogus when you research them they make sense. Vicarious is a sonic blast to the ears that leaves it wanting more. Can't wait till May 2nd, heard the album leaked but I wouldn't do that to Tool after all there hard work, and even if you dl it please go buy the real thing on May 2nd, it's only right.


OMFG TOOL comin to town on may 2 for concert cant wait


The whole thing has leaked now. I like it quite a bit.

And yes, I intend on purchasing it when it is available. Half of the experience is the album art.

Llorando por tu amor.


I got it 2 days ago. The artwork is amazing, the songs are amazing... it's a great album.


track 4, 10,000 days made me weep. and yeah, i'm buying a copy too.



oh yeah, amram71... i forgot they spelled the number out with letters instead of digits. jesus, i hate technical people like you.

my point is that LATERALUS and AENIMA are much more kick-ass than 10,000 DAYS. and yes, i'm well aware maynard didn't name it that to be 'cool', but JAMBI would've been so much more awesome as the album title, don't you think?


Give it a chance, I personally think that 10,000 Days is better than Aenima, and on the same level as Lateralus. At first I thought the album was complete crap, but it grew on me, and it's now one of my favorites. Maynard named the album after his mother, who was paralyzed for 27 years. If you know your math than you'd be able to figure out that 27 years is roughly 10,000 Days. If you listen to Wings For Marie (which is named after his mother) and 10,000 Days, this theme would be apparent to you.


Just picked it up on Tuesday. Another flawless release from the greatest hard rock band on the planet at the current time.


I agree, another perfect Tool release. Although pretty much all the cds I've got this year were great. Mogwai "Mr. Beast", Yeah yeah yeahs "Show yr bones"...this could be a good sign. Tool are great Tool are not coming to Austin, bitches, and the artwork was awesome on the new cd.
