Shin Pet Shop of Horrors

It's already been brought up in other threads, but I thought I'd start one just for discussion of the new sequel series. Mostly because I found a way for us to be able to discuss it; namely, scanlations.

Apparently there's a website where you can download fan translated scans of all of Matsuri Akino's manga, including the new series, and side stories of the old one that weren't released in the lisenced books. I didn't even know there were missing sidestories!

You can download them as zip files at They look to be very well done!


the link doesn't work...


Yeah, sadly their web site seems to be down as of late. If you or anyone else wants a zip file of what they have so far, send me your email address in a private message and I'll email it to you.


Ah, I've found where their new address is. The manga can now be found at


Whatever happened to this... seems to be down (or at least so, a few minutes ago... I'll try it again later)

I just happened upon the VHS in my local CBS (on the discount table, of course), and was looking for more info on the series.


Satyr Scott


Okay... here's their latest address. I swear these guys change addresses 3 times a year or something...


Good news! Tokyopop has licensed the sequel! The first volume of "New Petshop of Horrors" is currently set to be released Feb 12, 2008. Yay!


Yeah, I got pretty happy when I read it on! I think they were just waiting for the author to write enough to fill a nice-sized GN. PSoH is one of my all-time favorite series. Right now I'm eagerly awaiting volume 4 of Genju no Seiza and a big part of the anticipation is that it's supposed to have a Count D cameo! Whee!

"Insert witty quote here."


Haha! Am happy!


I know that Leon hasn't made an official appearance in Shin Pet Shop of Horrors yet (side stories aside), but what about characters such as T-chan, Ponchan, Honlon and Ten-chan? Does anyone know if any of these characters have shown up yet?
Heh, Tetsu/T-chan is one of my favourite characters :).

There was a signature here, but it's gone now.
