Oh, snap.......

Whoah, just saw the trailer for this movie. I gotta say....wow. This is what I'm talking about, people. I don't like most Japanese animation. 90% of anything is going to be total dreck, and anime is no exception. Yet I love, love, LOVE Hayao Miyazaki's films. Why? Because THEY'RE GOOD FILMS! Not just good by anime standards. I like anime that breaks all the conventions of what anime is supposed to be. My favorite anime series is by far Serial Experiments: Lain. The approach in that series is completely original and extremely engaging. I realize I'm babbling, but I'm mad that there isn't more anime made with the same creativity and originality like in those examples. When I saw the trailer for Millenium Actress, and learned more about it, I was like "yes! finally, someone that GETS it!" I suppose the point of this post/rant is to ask you folks who have seen it: how is it? Is it a movie that's brilliantly told and directed? Does it break free of stereotypical anime conventions? Please tell me your views and why you feel the way you do! This looks to me like one of the most impressive anime movies since Spirited Away.


I just previewed this today, though it comes out tomorrow. This was my first Anime movie. I hope I have not been spoiled for the rest of the genre now that I have seen this most excellent film. I am going to seek out "Perfect Blue" now. I even watched the behind the scenes part of the DVD so I could get the filmmakers take on it. They seem so casual about having created this work of art! Seeing the actors who did the voice of Chiyoko was an added bonus. The best part of the "making of" doc. is how they shot footage of this woman running so they could get Chiyoko's movements right, and in that part of the movie, I was right there with her. The message at the end of the film is what makes it my kind of movie. Amidst these great visuals you have this profound message of what drives a person in life, and it's not something you forget about after viewing it.


Andy, I'm in the exact same boat as you in regards to my opinions of anime... this film does break anime conventions :).... it is a good film and not just good by anime standards. I feel that it shows how animation can be used to enhance stories that many think live action is only capible of telling. Watch it, it's not your typical anime otaku fodder, but part of the progressive animated film movement that's been going on in anime since the early 1980s starting with artists like Hayao Miyazaki. I full heartedly recommend it.

I'd also recommend Texhnolyze if your looking for something different and interesting... Texh is a bit more like lain :).


Right! There are loads of people out there that think the same way.

Oh, and by the way, it can't be the best since Spirited Away because they were made at the same time, 2001. I heard they tied at a Japanese film festival for first place. That's saying something for this film, since Spirited Away is the most commercially successful film in Japanese history.

Best thing ever.
