Quite Horrible

This was a really bad movie. Not very creative or funny. All the director did was watch "The Longest Yard" and then re-write it for soccer. He changed very little and added nothing. I like the actors that were assembled here, but they are wasted.

And do not lead us into temptation



True, well said Crowe641.

American people are not into "Soccer" they call it a girls game apparently in America. lol, how about baseball, just rounders but with men playing

Footy is a real sport and mean machine is a classic


and you are clearly mentally retarded, it's intended to be a soccer version of the longest yard. nice try however. perhaps you should know a little more about a movie before you go posting your uneducated oppinion.



I liked the movie for the most part,, great ensemble of actors,, I have to admit , I've never seen the Longest Yard, with Burt Reynolds though.
are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite
