MovieChat Forums > Max Payne (2001) Discussion > This would make a seriously good animate...

This would make a seriously good animated movie.

Considering how people are complaining over by today's standards of how animation is being done....I think this would be kick ass awesome if this was turned into an animated movie. I mean think about it for a second...Get someone like Ralph Bakshi to direct, Sam lake to write the script, and make it hand-drawn 2D animated and BINGO! You got yourself a good R rated animated film of Max Payne.


i agree. its a shame how the live action movie turned out. its a shame that they didnt choose to work with what they had which was already highgly regarded as great and instead chose to change things around and turn it into a boring almost actionless action movie.

i think an R rated animated movie done right would be REALLY amazing. why is this the first time anyone has said anything about this? lol

I told skynet who kyle reese was


As for animators I think Yoshiaki Kawajiri would do a good job, I think he'd also do a good job of directing (I know this guy because my brother loves his movies) with the animation style of the "Detective Story" segment out of The Animatrix. After that you'd have a pretty good Max Payne animated movie idea.

You have your opinions I have mine.


Yoshiaki Kawajiri mainly does movies in the Horror/Fantasy/Sci-Fi genre. I haven't seen much from him that would suggest he'd be able to pull it off. I'm not denying his ability to direct this but it is a bit "out there."

"If you don't like your ideas, stop having them!"
