MovieChat Forums > Max Payne (2001) Discussion > Delete your post Max Payne style

Delete your post Max Payne style

(This post was deleted because the poster ran out of steam in a dead end alley and it was shakedown time)

Q.)What should be done if a user or a technician gets hurt on the job?
A.)Escalate the problem


(This post was deleted because it was trying to buy more sand for its hour glass. I wasn't selling any.)

"I dont know about angels, but its fear that gives men wings"


[This post was deleted because it was laden with foreboding]


(This post was deleted because it didn't know about angels, but it's fear that gave men wings.)

Q.)What should be done if a user or a technician gets hurt on the job?
A.)Escalate the problem




[This message has been deleted because the user didn't find Alex fast enough]


[This message was burning to get me. The feeling was mutual. It was trying to put out my flames with gasoline.]

Q.)What should be done if a user or a technician gets hurt on the job?
A.)Escalate the problem

