family feud

I think the film was magnificent.It has one of the best closing shots I ever seen .Tonio against the waves.What had me annoyed was ..How come these two families had this feud going on for generations and all of these cousins and nieces and granpas and mums was left!!If they killed a member of the opposite family when the blood turns yallow,surely only one is supposed to be left.


I guess only the young men did the fighting. Maybe it was the responsibilty of the deceased's brother to take revenge, and not anyone else. And one family must have started off bigger than the other family.


well, tonio's father said in the beginning that he had done the same duty for the family, but was just lucky to have escaped and been saved by God. So maybe he was just able to avoid getting shot by a member of the other family.


my 2 cents:

What meghan said makes sense.

PLUS, at some time the killing might have stopped. And then years after, began again.

The director doesnt explain detailed how the feud thing works. But I reckon he didnt do that, becuase the mechanisms of the feud wasnt the focus of the movie.

- He moves his lips when he reads. What does that tell you about him?


The director doesnt explain detailed how the feud thing works. But I reckon he didnt do that, becuase the mechanisms of the feud wasnt the focus of the movie.
I agree with you that it's not, but IMO the whole honour killing concept needed more exposition than we got. The film was based on an Albanian book about honour killings in that country and I'd be interested to know whether the director is suggesting there is/was a similar cultural issue widespread in Brazil.


The story of this type of killing is copied from Albanian Gjakmarrja (Taking of blood) When bad occurs each member will kill the member of the other family and it will continue until all men are dead. Is like a french duel that goes on til you run out of people! Albanian honor is based on the zero sum theory which means the whole line of these two transgressing men will be eliminated in due time
