MovieChat Forums > Trailer Park Boys (2004) Discussion > What he hell happened? Does Season 8 get...

What he hell happened? Does Season 8 get better?

It feels like they are trying too hard. The look isn't right. The actors like J Roc look tired and like they aged by 20 years. The characters seem like characterizations of their original portrayals... but don't feel quite right. It's like their doing bad impersonations. The characters don't feel as familiar as before, the writing isn't as familiar, the dialogue isn't familiar...

Nothing seems quite right. No one even looks like they want to be there...

The filming isn't the same. The writing just isn't right, it's like some one else wrote this dialogue and these episodes than before.

I don't know, it just doesn't feel right.

This season, so far... rates lower than the previous ones.It's just no quite right...
Something is off.

It doesn't work. Some how all the chemistry that was already there and all the magic that should still be there... isn't there. It's awkward, forced feeling... it just doesn't work.


They started to use more expensive cameras, that's why it looks different. I too prefer the old cheaper equipment they used, it looked authentic, like a real documentary. It stopped being a mockumentary (a comedy documentary), that's why it seems different.

They made it more about physical comedy and slapstick so that it appeals to a wider audience, that's why the characters seem like they're trying so hard to be funny. It's because they are. They're appealing to the lowest common denominator by over-using cock and ass jokes.

In other words, they're trying to get as many idiots in the world to watch so Netflix makes tons of money on the Trailerpark Boys good name. But yeah, while it is still funny at times, it sucks compared to how it used to be. I used to think season 6 was the worst one (back when season 6 was the final season and season 7 hadn't been made yet), but now I see that it is infinitely better quality than anything from season 7 onwards.


They turned the series into a sitcom from what was originally a mockumentary so, the whole HDness and lack of realness authenticity of being trailer park residents takes it away.


I remember when season 7 came, the sky was beautiful, the filter they used or something was great

"how's a fella go about gettin' a holt of the police?" -Karl


No, it's just that. It doesn't get better. Seasons 8-10 weren't directed by Clattenburg so they're nowhere as good as the original seasons.


Season eight isnt great, season nine is spotty but has some good stuff and season ten is brilliant


Personally season 7 was terrible and the ones that followed are pretty bad too, but I haven't finished them all yet so I'm hopeful. But what I really think they are missing from this show is how genuinely happy the characters used to be about small things: like name brand cereal, a clean shirt, or pepperoni.


I've only caught part of season 9 and haven't seen any of season 10 but season 8 wasn't really that good...My favorite TPB episodes are season's 1-5, 6 kinda fell off (a lot won't agree and say it was 7 but I enjoyed 7 even though it was different), it just didn't seem the same to me after that. Season 8 kinda sucked pretty bad IMO. I cancelled my Netflix account because I never really watched it. From what I remember of season 9 it wasn't as bad as season 8 but no way near as good as 1-5 either. Only reason I had Netflix in the first place was to see what happened after Countdown To Liquor Day, eventually I figured when it comes to finishing off the series completely, I'll just buy the dvd's. Just Legalize It wasn't really that good either. I think Mike Clattenburg was ready to move on by then and just throwed something together to make some extra money. I wish TPB's would go back to the way they used to be back in the day but you know how how it goes... No matter how good a show is, they ALWAYS seem to fall off in the end...

Plum near cut his head in two mmmmm hmmmmm


I agree, season 5 is my favorite but 7 is a very close second regardless of how much others hate it (mostly because no trevor), I'm rewatching the later seasons and after the second viewing I think I enjoyed 8 more than 9, there's an episode in 8, (ep2 maybe) that is incredibly old school funny, plus the characters seem more themselves than in 9, steve rogers and sabastian bach are in it, sam and cyrus are great, and J-Roc isn't a spanglish speaking father, season 10 is way out there but I remember it being funner than 8 and 9, although it's a freakshow at that point

I'm still rewatching it now though, these 3 seasons are an hour more of material (3 episodes) than seasons 1-7 had so there's more filler or less trimmed fat and it's just harder to keep track I've come to find out, those earlier original 20 minute episodes just had more memorable moments, "peanutbutter and jaaammmm" comes to mind, but I appreciate whatever they do, it's still a very creative show and I think 11 will bring it back to where it once was

"how's a fella go about gettin' a holt of the police?" -Karl
