MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man (2003) Discussion > Was this ever on t.v.?

Was this ever on t.v.?

I've never heard of this show until I accidently found it just now... Was it straight to dvd or was it on t.v. in 2003. + is it any good?


It aired on MTV from July 11th to September 12th 2003.




They also played it on Nickelodeon UK


it was on YTV (canadian, young teen oriented station) but it got really bad time slots, usually never on before 11:30 at night. it also suffered from playing the same eps way too often (Heroes And Villains, the worst eps imo). from what I can remember it got fairly good advertising though.


"It might have been more successful on Cartoon Network."

Cartoon Network is directed towards kids though, most parents wouldn't allow their kids to watch this Spider-Man series considering the content.

~There Is No Love In Your Violence~


Ever heard of Toonami this show was for teens that uses watered down versions of anime not American cartoons.


Mtv didnt promote it too much but i heard about it, I was really into the movies at that point and it seemed to be my kinda thing. It premirerd on a friday night at 10. So i think they were aiming at the wrong crowd. It started off with 1 new ep followed by a second new ep. The next week it was a a new ep followed by the previous weeks second episoded i think. It went that way for the summer till they ran out of episodes in september. It was a pretty good show but myv is a cultural wasteland people tune in for tela tequlia and gualantlet challenges. The one great thing about mtv was it would replay it like crazy. Id miss the premiere ep but id usually be able to catch it when they reaired it a hour or 2 later and then 4 or 5 times within a week. I remember i taped them all but because of what happened with the previous spiderman show not coming to dvd. But yeah i can see how you would think this was straight to dvd. It cam and went ina flash. There was talks of it being renewed for a second season and a Blade show in the same likeness but nada. If they were gonna do something they woulda brought it back to promote the third movie as this was suposed to promote the second. Eh i doubt and Spiderman show will get treated properly. I havnt checked out the new Spectacular Spiderman shoew but i hope its good, at least its guarnteed 2 13 ep seasons, thats alot to hope for. And its on KidsWb or whatever so you know itll last a while. Kids cartoon shows always seem to last longer than the adult aimed/themed shows, i remeber i was a zombie back then, up at 7 on a Sat Zeesh. I always thought Ultimate Spiderman would make a great adult animated show in the same vein as the 203 series. It would fit in good on a Fox primetime scheudile or something like that. Eh who knows. PEACE.
