the title

They couldn't come up with a better title than "Tail Sting"?



yeah, come on! Scorpions on a Plane!


My thoughts exactly!!! With that name it would have been a winner. Bet they're kicking themselves now.

"Let's make some art!"


If the movie was called Scorpions on a Plane would Snakes on a Plane still exist?



A better question: if SNAKES ON A PLANE weren't about to hit movie theaters, nationwide, would SCIFI Channel even have bothered to telecast this p.o.s. for any other reason?

Answer: Definitely not!!!



I think they were showing this because they just aired the sequel, Stinger. It's been in the works long before Snakes On A Plane.

I especially love people who have bought into Snakes being some amazing's a creature feature folks. Love them for what they are. B-movie with extra cheese on top.



No one thinks Snakes is an amazing film. They think it is amazingly entertaining, which it is. And it's not just a creature feature and it's not a B movie. Creature feature B movies don't have Sam Jackson in 'em.



Too true. SNAKES ON A PLANE was B-plus, at the very worst. The "Stinger" flicks? Definitely B-minus, at the very best.


If this had been Scorpions on a Plane, they would have had to call the Samuel Jackson film Cargo Snakes.

There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls. -George Carlin
