Bigotry can be deadly

I think if the dad hadn't rejected the aboriginal tracker at the start of the search, he and his wife would have had little Emily back. Odd subject matter to make a musical of, but then that is the lead actor's forte.

Mountain Man


I agree Mountain Man - Because of his racial ignorance he paid the greatest price in losing his daughter. What a stupid stubborn man - did he not realise that the aboriginal tracker knew the land better than anyone - it was his land and the land was him.

He could not overcome this abhorrant ignorant stance to even allow his daughter to be rescued. His heart was as cold and as hard as that Australian landscape - how could he possible have put this narrow minded stupdid attitude before the love of his only beautiful child.

I loved this film - it is one of my all time faves for many reasons.


You both realise this film was set in 1932? Australia was a whole different world back then.

It was on ABC last night - a real beautiful story.


The father caused the death of two people; his daughter, Emily, and himself. People shouldn't be racist.

"Take that into your back face!" - Col, Lano and Woodley


you're all gay




i didnt mind this ... the first time i saw it, but after you've seen it like ten times in a couple weeks u start to hate it (i watched it in class this year) also you start to know the songs off by heart and they get stuck in ur head and then ppl start singing them in class ... which is alway entertaining but still ...
