Running Time

IMDB shows a 127 min running time for the UK version. This is NOT correct. The UK version is 121 min and something only and there has never been a 127 min release. NTBS


I'm quite agree with you. The screening in Uruguay was also about 121' or may be 122', but never 127'. And I can't think of something suppresed, because the allegedly disturbing scenes narrated by IMDb users were all there.

May be is 127' if you play it in NTSC (or PAL, I don't remember which is slower). But that is not the correct running time.

Anyway, if you have some proof of this, perhaps you should update the information in the main page of this movie here in IMDb.

(I apologize for my poor english syntax and spelling; I'll appreciate comments in order to improve it)


Film prints and NTSC run at the same rate; PAL runs faster, makes the film finish earlier
