Racist Bryant

Hearing about what Bryant had to say about the winter olympics. Complaining about the lack of blacks in the winter olympics. That's the same as complaining about that there are not enough blacks in the NHL. Where does he get off. If you don't you don't like the winter olympics don't watch. Don't make are racial issue. IF you think I'm being a little too sensitive. If I said why isn't there that many whites in track and field during the summer olympics I would be called a racist. It's not about skin color moron...If you want to figure out why the demographic swings that way look at a map. The funny thing this is coming from a oreo like Bryant.


What an A HOLE!! He clearly overlooked Shani Davis or he does not consider Davis' grueling sport a sport because it is only televised every four years...I think the only reason he chose to speak is because all eyes are on his former network NBC and/or his name hasn't been mentioned in a long ass time. Forgive me for saying so...but there is nothing black about Bryant Gumbel.
There is no reason to make any of the games a racial issue...I am sure if anyone of color wanted to compete they would.

I found it very interesting how the lead story on this episode told the story of a white Olympian (Winter games mind you) and how a horrible accident changed his life.

I really hope these comments he made do nothing for him...unless it showcases what a boob he is.



maybe if he stopped doodling on his notebook while people talked he'd get what's going on.

Season's Greetings


black people don't like cold weather.


Black people don't like cold weather??
Just stop......just please stop.
I've lived in New England all of my life and "I LOVE" the winters here! Always have.
