Funniest injoke

Did anyone get the film reference when Julia Roberts' character is told "we all know how you get when your blood sugar gets low"? Definitely funny. This couldn't have just been a coincidence.


steel magnolias (1989), Herbert Ross.


And another one was when at the party Julia Roberts' character talks about chrome in the water. It was from Erin Brockovich (which was directed by Steven Soderbegh, too, by the way).


I loved seeing " The Limey " on board the plane in " Rendezvous " and then Terrance Stamp going to Gus' party. That really encapsulated the point of the movie for me.


Five years too late, but I watched this almost unwatchable film tonight and I came to the boards to see if I saw what I thought I saw...Terence Stamp in first class from "The Limey", speaking lines from that movie while Julia Roberts and Blair Underwood were across the aisle from him.


I loved The Limey

I do not like Full Frontal :(


Second favorite inside joke: Julia Roberts is married to Danny Moder the cameraman from her film "The Mexican" and at the party her character meets a Lighting guy from one of her previous movies who is head over heals for her!
love it
