MovieChat Forums > Blue Car (2003) Discussion > Original sex scene restored in DVD, or s...

Original sex scene restored in DVD, or still no?

Apparently, when this movie was screened for critics, it contained a fairly explicit love scene between David Strathairn and Agnes Bruckner, which (because of the prudish MPRB) had to be excised to get an R rating (Jesus). Has it been restored in the DVD, either in the main film or in the deleted scenes? Thanks.


The uncut sex scene is included with the deleted scenes.



Karen decided to cut a small section of the "love scene" because the test audience in New York snickered during a part where David gets Meg to lie on top of him (spoon style) and says "touch me" etc. I must admit, it did seem a bit awkward and looked funny. Better the way it is. As for explicit - no way!!!


Wasn't it cut because the actress was 16 or 17?


According to the commentary, the original scene was cut because it made the testing audiences too uncomfortable. In fact, I think it was brilliantly crafted and helped to demonstrate just how desperate Auster was to feel some sort of emotional connection.

It was explicit in that he asks her to touch him and then directs her hand as she masturbates him (which we do not actually see and can only infer by the movement of their arms). There is no nudity.


I only watched this movie because Karen Moncrieff did such a good job on The Dead Girl. This movie wasn't bad at all. Agnes Bruckner is about as cute as they come and did a good acting job. I was surprised about the sex scene. (IFC showed it).

I wondered what went through David Strathairn head when he was doing the scene. No way could I have done it. I'm in my 40's and just the thought of touching a youngster in any matter, real or acting, is abhorrent to me. But I see why it was necessary for the movie to conclude. He did a good job with it.


I think most 40 year-old guys are fine with the idea of hooking up with a 17-18 year old.

That said, he was in his 50's, old, and ugly. That's not good for anybody.


DS ugly? I respectfully disagree.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


definitely disagree too!


Old? Yes. Ugly? No way. Actually, I think he's the type that a confused young woman might have a crush on, but then when he ends up taking her to bed, any fantasy she might have had of him quickly disappeared.
