Jay and Silent Bob?

Am I going crazy or did I see Jay and Silent Bob as cartoon characters for a split second in this movie?


I thought so too. But they're in more than a split second: When you see the camera panning between the different tellies the guy going "they where like *smash* and then *woosh*", that type of thing.
He looks alot like jay and a silent bobish guy is standing by his side.

"Nothing like microgravity when you want to quietly stalk someone" - Florence "Freefall"


Thunderbirds Aren't Slow

saw it too, thought it was a good moment! bring back this show!


Those are the Halen brothers, lamenting the destruction of their van in the girls game of tag. Fans of the band may notice that every word spoken by the fellow on microphone comes from Van Halen lyrics.

"Uh oh. Taking a phrase out of a satire and seriously applying it to the real world? Dangerous."


i would actually just like to comment that they werent van halen lyrics

but rather names of van halen songs
