help me please!

I DVRd the movie and for some reason it only recorded until 11pm instead of 11:30,so, i missed the last half hour and im sooooooo upset right now. Its not playing again within the next month which means i have no way of finding out what happens. Can someone please tell me everything that happens right after she takes off her bonnet and runs to find him!?!? Please help im in major suspense!!!!



oh that is a good ending. im almost cried just reading it. im glad everything worked out and that they became a family. you have no idea how glad i am that you responded.

so, thanks for your help i was going nuts! ive been checking this everyday, 5x a day, since i wrote the msg. thanks so much!




Oh my gosh, I am so glad I decided to search the internet trying to find out the ending to this movie and found your reply to the subject: "Help Me Please"!!!
My husband and I had DVR'd it also and finally started watching it last night only to miss the same 1/2 hour! Both of us got so upset when it ended so abruptly and we couldn't find it again to watch the ending. (That has happened to us before on Dish Network for the 3rd "Love Comes Softly" sequel, again right at the climax).

Thank you so much!! I look forward to seeing it again someday. I was so impressed with Tim Daley's performance. He was soooo great! I was introduced to his great acting abilities in the Wings series.

You really saved the day! Thanks.



Hallmark is showing the movie again on 12/31 at 2:30 PM EST. You can also by the DVD now from Amazon, Barnes and Noble and MoviesUnlimited for under $15.
