
I didn't get the jet personally, I'm hoping someone did. But did anyone notice the American markings on it?


I think the Jet had no meaning at all.


It did have American markings. I thought it was nice to look at, but totally unbelievable. The thing was four foot off the water! The pilot would have to be suicidal to try a stunt like that, and very lucky to get away with it.

Stupid film.


The film is good, the jet has a meaning. Read cat and jet post. But it isn't a good cgi. The tail can't possibly not touch the bridge. Look closely, the tail goes trough the bridge. And when the footage in the jet is shot, it's not even near mountains. I see an airport. But it's a good movie and the jet has a meaning.


The Jet is a plot device that allows the film makers to re-show the audience the clues. The Jet shakes the whole village and we see a series of shots showing different objects around the village shaking - such as the small bottles....
