MovieChat Forums > Failan (2001) Discussion > Never has a film touched me so deep

Never has a film touched me so deep

I've seen all kinds of films by now..

Failan is a very difficult film to find in my video store so I bought it and imported it from S.Korea

This film truely shook my feeling ,, There are certain moments that will forever stick to my mind

I will not spoil anything here but when the laundry woman meets Kangjae was heartbreaking and the same goes for the end of the film

I recommend this film highly

Moon of Rain



Yes, I too was moved to tears,and I'm a guy!
Well acted,good story without too many jumpy edits,and the music was not too over the top,but just right emotionally.
A tragic and heartwrenching film,and one that makes you really consider our values as humans,and the depths to which our hearts can navigate.
See this touching Korean film!


Yes, I too was moved to tears,and I'm a guy!
You are a guy. So?


Yes it moved me to tears... especially when *SPOILER*

Kang-jae's character is being choked to death... He eventually gives up trying to fight the murderer off, and calmly watches the video as he is being dragged away.


the most beautiful tearjerker i have ever seen
i think i cried like 3 times when first watching it


I must agree with everyone. I wasn't moved to tears, but the film definately has stuck with me for a few days. I watch all types of films and I would have to say this is in my top 10.

This film needs more exposure so more people can experience it.



It was sad. Not my type of movie. Oldboy on the other hand was awesome although ending was a bit too weird.

I live for acting.


Wait... You live for acting and this was not your type of movie?.... I think there is something wrong there...


why is it that people compare EVERY goddamn korean movie with oldboy? that flick is sooo overrated.



for me it were two scenes:
- him at her funeral
- the scene on the sea when he reads the letter and starts to cry


Folks, please check out "Christmas In August." This is another Korean love story that will break your heart.


Choi Min-sik is the star of both Failan and Oldboy.That is why both movies are compared with each other.


Both films are completely different, regardless of the star. Failan is one of the most heartbreaking movies EVER. Oldboy is a good movie but not in the same league.
