Awful movie

I admit I was really taken in by the dancing scene and that is when the movie should have ended as far as I was sank after that. No pun intended. LOL The settings were the best part of the movie and that scene. I had to shut it off, and yet the curiousity got the best of me to come to this board to find out, just what or whom caused that mess. BTW, was it ever explained how the little girl survived on that ship all these years and still looked the same, when the crew discovered the ship? Most likely it was her ghost that appeared. How did she die? Most likely from malnutrition. The rats had a field day with all that leftover food. A promising beginning and a huge letdown.


The girl was a ghost, she died by being hung by the waiters, the whole incidents after the dance massacre is explained to Epps after the ghost of girl takes her back. If want these questions answered please watch the film.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he did not exist


Have to agree , a really terrible film. I lost interest and didnt care what happened to the crew , who were so typical of modern films in there personality's. Dialogue was awful and suspense was non existent . Do agree though the film started off excellently .


Awfully good movie. Any movie that generates this much discussion is far from terrible.


That's because people with "real taste" for horror films skipped this atrociously bad Hollywood vomit.

If you need some suggestions on good horror films, vbel... I can recommend some


Truly awful.
