How did they do the ending?

I never had a chance to watch the show but I'm really curious as to how the final elimination went. I know that at the end of each episode the leader(chosen by the previously eliminated player) gives away a red envelope and then the group gives away a red envelope and each one contains a different location, one with the killer where the person will be eliminated and the second with a clue to the mystery. But when there are two people, how do they decide who goes where? Do the people have to answer a bunch of questions like The Mole? Does knowing anything about the mystery help you along through the game?


Wikapedia has an entry about the show that talks about what happened in the finale a little bit. All I know is that the fictional "killer" was caught by the sherrif (or his assistant, whatever) and he was shot and fell to his death out of a window. Not really, but you know. The entry also talks about the killer's M.O. It's interesting and actually accurate.


At the end there were two suspects and two remaining contestants. Each contestant was asked which suspect they believed was the killer. I'm sure the producers hoped that each would pick a different suspect, in which case they would each gone after the person they suspected. But the two final contestants both picked the same suspect! And oddly enough, they both picked the wrong person! Since both contestants couldn't follow the same suspect, the contestant selected by the previous eliminated person in their diary got to go to after the suspect he selected, and the other remaining contestant (who ended up as the winner) went after the other suspect.

Knowledge of the mystery had absolutely no role in keeping people in the game. That was the show's primary flaw. Contestants were eliminated strictly due to their lack of popularity and their bad luck. Skill in solving the mystery played absolutely no part in the game. The person who ended up winning did so primary due to his populariy with the other players.


I remember the one girl kept on getting picked towards the end and finally got killed off around the second to last episode. That to me always felt rigged, since she was the "hated of the group, hard luck woman" and she should have gotten a by as a result of "surviving" 3 times in a row.

Because sponges never have bad days.


Oh yeah, you mean Kristen. She ended up being a contestant on "The Apprentice", but I forget which season. I think it was season 3. I never liked her during the whole show. She seemed like a real bitch, IMO.

The worst part was that the guy who won it all, Angel Juarbe, died on Sept. 11, 2001. He was one of the NYC firefighters who responded when the Twin Towers were hit. I think that was only two months after the show ended, cause I remember it was a big summer hit.

I hope your apple pie is freakin' worth it!


Yes, I remember that. I remember after finding that out, I went onto the "Murder On Small Town X" board on Fox, and they had a big banner for him. It's too bad. He seemed like a real person. One you could sit back, have a beer with, and just shoot the crap all day long with. It's sad to know that someone like that isn't with us anymore.
