I hadn't walked out of the theater...

before the movie ended since the Banger Sisters.
This film is sooo boring, and I hated the editing.


I agree... The cuts were a bit on the rough side and distracting. Also, I don't know all that much French, but it seemed to me the subtitles left a lot to be desired.


I agree with both of you that the editing was pretty bad...but it was intentional. If you read the interviews on the DVD, it was supposed to be choppy, like you're flipping through the pages of a diary. I think the film quality could've been better though, no excuse for that. And also, I speak a well good amount of french (not quite fluent, but almost there) and I did see that the subtitles were not only missing in some parts, but sometimes even inaccurate. But as far as the actual movie goes, I liked it. I'm suprised you said it was boring because I thougt it was moving too fast in the begining, i had a hard time following because so much randomness was happening, but then i realized it was intentional to signify the speed of her life and it slows down as her life slows down. I thought it was well good.


The beginning with its choppyness is never really explained, and in general the camera work with all the different angles really looked novice at best.
And as much as I hated her boyfriend, and oh boy did I hate him with a passion...Yet, I really liked this movie!

I can see why the beginning would turn you off and the boyfriend was such a horrible child, but she was so bright and hopeful that it was hard not to be drawn in at the end.
