Horrible Kingpin

And no... I'm not talking about his skin pigmentation. Duncan's physical attributes actually were the best thing about his performance. Only King Kong Bundy would be a better fit in that area.

Duncan's acting is the problem. The acting itself was ok if it was for a random typical mafia header, but not for the Kingpin.

In the comics the Kingpin is a moody and grumpy man that never smiles, but in the movie he's portrayed as suave businessman that smiles and chuckles all the time.


You know, I have always thought the same thing. I liked the movie alright at the time. MCD's physique was certainly perfect, but as you said, he played it all wrong. He was far too jovial. He seemed to be barely containing his excitement at securing the role (he admitted to being overwhelmingly happy to have been asked to play Wilson Fisk) and the director didn't reign his performance in.

"When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."


i thought he was entertaining , but yes . vincent d'onofrio's portrayal in the netflix series is 1000x better and more accurate.


I think he pulled it off really well. They did try to get some wrestlers to take the role it but discovered they couldn't act.


Indeed, his acting was unsuitable for the role. To echo what the previous posters said, he was exuberant and pretty over-the-top, which doesn’t at all reflect Wilson Fisk from the pages. I don’t necessarily dislike his performance considering the film has such a wildly uneven tone (I appreciate it for what it is), but this wasn’t by any means a great Kingpin portrayal.

Luckily we have D’Onofrio’s version.


He was more like a gang banger than a serious crime lord I agree.


Colin Farrell’s


I thought he was an inspired casting choice and brought a level of menace that d'onofrio's petulant and introspective Fisk can't match.


Well... luckily D’Onofrio didn’t at all try to match Duncan’s entertaining but one-dimensional and ineffectively over the top version.

Having a preference for this flashy incarnation over the infinitely richer and more faithful Netflix one. Alright. Whatever’s understandably more popular.... nope!


Duncan's probably the best thing about this movie. Next to Colin Farrell's version of Bullseye.
