Family Guy

I used to watch Primetime Glick all of the time when it was on. Did anyone catch the new Family Guy? Stewie did a dead on impression of Jiminy Glick. I loved it.




The Stewie thing was great, he actually said he was talking with is wife Dixie and they both agreed that Collin Farell wasn't a very good actor lol. It was a good impression of Short's Glick too.


Stewie sad "Collin Ferrel. I was talking to my wife Dixieeeee the other day, and she said you weren't a very good actorrrr. And I agreed with her. Now, why do you think we did that?" I've extended some of the letters so you can get the feel of how he was talking. ;)

Please don't poke the old people! Thanks.



It's not made to be smart, it's made to be funny. If it were smart, we'd just have an animated form of Fraiser, and NO ONE wants that.

Please don't poke the old people! Thanks.


"Ok back off you freak! We all don't watch Fraiser!"


XD, exactly!

Please don't poke the old people! Thanks.


Yes I find Glick funny, and the Family Guy but come on, Frasier is funny as all get-out. Especially before they had Daphne and Niles get in to their relationship and sacrificing that great well of jokes.


This Guy is Just Trying to be an a$$hole.

Despite what he says, this was a great episode with a great reference to an amazing show... as well as a horrible actor.


Yeh I thought this was funny even tho I liked Primetime Glick


Really? Even now people still think Family Guy is a "simpsons rip-off"? Can't they come up with a better argument than that?


there will always be someone saying blah blah blah worst show ever


Yeah sadly everyone is entitled to their opinions. Fascism would be cool.
"The furious strength of the creature was ample enough to protect its terror-stricken cubs."


I remember that!


funny that episode came on two nights ago.

Mystique and Wolverine foreverMystique Rules!!


lol heres the clip of GLICK VS Collin Ferrel

(note that glick is actually stewie griffin)



i loved that, but i don't know if a lot of people would get the reference.

i love Primetime Glick and that really was a great impression.

Proud to be Uwe Boll hater #23.
