Conclusion (*Spoilers*)

So... I'm guessing M just got crazy paranoid and pretty obsessed with the whole vampire thing, which drove him to kill his friends to purify them, while non of them were really vampires? If so, I wonder if it's a statement towards those who are obsessed with D&D and other RPGs and take it too seriously.


Not at all. Ok, lets say that is a bit true, and in the same time remember what does her friend in the police station after been left alone... and what happen in last scene when the heart beep stops.


The Ending was a bit messed up but once the master got the stake through him they all turned back to normal. But I still think the book that M had still has something to do with this story.


Just watched this and was stunned by what a sweet movie it was. The cover of the DVD makes it look like some cheap vampire gorefest, but it has a lot of heart, some beautiful twists and turns. As a roleplaying gamer myself since 1983, I can count on one hand the amount of weirdo gamers I've encountered who might smoking a little too much weed, getting Paranoid and thinking it was all a little too real. I loved the way the film played with this stereotype (that lots of people have of gamers) ... I certainly saw the ending as M being justified in his actions .. however loopy he was in carrying them out. There are enough clues to point out it was real vampires and not some twisted pothead paranoid fantasy bloodbath.

That movie has warped my fragile little mind.


IMO it was a double twisted ending, a fake one and the real one. The fake is believe that vampires don't exist and it was all in M's mind.
The "real" shootout is told by Elizabeth at the pĆ³lice station, after she finished her statement, she had a weird look in his eyes, and them, it comes the awakening of Carmilla after her heart stop beating.
So, the vampires were real, but they managed to made everyone believe that M was crazy...

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.


M's girlfriend she is fine! but why shoot everybody if he just could only kill the head master vampire so than the others return to their normal human form! isnt he suppose to be an expert in vampirism? or were they vampires or not im confused
