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What happens at the end?

Please tell me.


At the end Cady is seduced by Janey. Her "punishment" is that she left Jim alone at the beach, he drowns and dies. Everyone left heads home back to their normal lives, Kate and Ed get divorced. You've probably been told this about 50 times already, but just in case!


At the end Cady is seduced by Janey. Her "punishment" is that she left Jim alone at the beach, he drowns and dies. Everyone left heads home back to their normal lives, Kate and Ed get divorced. You've probably been told this about 50 times already, but just in case!

Who seduced who? Cady didn't ask Janey to tak her clothes off, Janey asked Cady to take HIS clothes off. Janey got herself into a situation she perhaps couldn't control. Was it Cady's fault? Nope. It was Janey's parents fault for not keeping track of their children.

"Sometimes my ruminations are too confusing for someone not inside my head." -Anon


I agree with prometheus.

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Thank you!

"Sometimes my ruminations are too confusing for someone not inside my head." -Anon


Actually, Cady is to blame, as well. He should have acted like an adult and not had sex with a child. Cady was a slimeball, plain and simple.

And the part with her punishment being that Jim dies because she left him alone on the beach is exactly the way it is meant to be interpreted. That is what the film suggests. She leaves her brother alone to go and do something that she shouldn't be doing (nor should Cady, obviously), and her punishment, so to speak, is that her brother dies because of her selfishness.

Is her sexual encounter with Cady her parent's fault? Perhaps a little, but not much. Kids are adventurous and do stupid things all the time. It's not the fault of the parents that kids do these things. Were they neglectful? Sure. That doesn't mean that it's their fault, though.

The plural of mouse is mice. The plural of goose is geese. Why is the plural of moose not meese?


The events in this film are mostly seen through Janey's eyes and she doesn't see everything. Her brother's drowning is portrayed as if it's her punishment because that's undoubtedly how she sees it, and she'll probably carry that guilt for the rest of her life. Cady was indeed a sleazebag. A grown man can't claim that a young teen seduced him. It was his responsibility to handle her advances like an adult and not take advantage of her.

Janey's parents were so caught up in their own issues that the kids were basically left to fend for themselves. You can't count on a 13-year-old to be the perfectly vigilant babysitter. In all fairness, past a certain age you do have to give your children some measure of freedom. You can't follow them around everywhere they go. And while they're out playing with their friends, something bad could happen. It probably won't but that risk is always there.
