people you want to die

here are some people I want to die. add your list.

1. People who sing to to themselves: They can't sing half of the time. If they can, they sing during your favorite song and you can't hear over their singing. Plus they usually have an operatic voice and who wants to hear an operatic voice sing country or rock and roll?

2. People who talk during movies/comment on commercials: I am trying to watch the movie! keep your opinions to yourself. If I wanted to hear someone's commentary, I'd switch on the DVD commentaries. Why do you always talk about commercials? They're only 30 seconds long.


3. People on the train, listening to music over the speakers on their cell phones, so the whole train has to listen to it. Buy some friggin headphones!!

"Why doesn't Ross, the largest of the Friends not simply eat the other five?"


4. Ann Coulter

Christians who feel threatened by Harry Potter have faith as weak as their minds.


5. Ann Coulter

(worth repeating i hate her so much)


Bill O'Reilly

I am the Walrus - Goo Goo Ga'joob
