MovieChat Forums > Slashers Discussion > Better than a lot of Hollywood's current...

Better than a lot of Hollywood's current big-budgeted movies

Okay, I rented this movie back in 2007 at Hollywood Video knowing it was going to be a low-budget crapfest. But, I rented it anyways. So, I watched it and saw how much fun this movie is! It's actually pretty watchable from beginning to end. It's a fun movie. Pretty adventerous and creative! I think they should remake it with a bigger and better budget, but I think the cheesy camera work and acting give it a special feel! I don't understand why so many people hate this film. It's very underrated and it's sad to see this board so dead. People don't even post on here for months. I hope others like this too!

Halloween II
In Theaters on Friday, August 28, 2009



Haha, it's nice to see a user on these boards! I wouldn't have gotten a reply until October probably, haha. Nice to see more people liking this movie! Thanks!

Halloween II
In Theaters on Friday, August 28, 2009



It had a good idea but no budget.Way better than most movies.


It's been over 9 years since my original IMDb review and my opinion stays the same. Great low budget film. A sequel (not a remake) would be welcome.


I saw this movie recently and I loved it! Great characterization, great interactions between characters, and I liked the message. It was a great coming-of-age story where the activist chick learns how to defeat people she objects. I think the director is vastly underrated.
