The graveyard

I nearly died when they went into the graveyard! It's the Anglican Cathedral, where my school used to have Speech Night, Carol Service and Easter Service. When we'd go down early for rehearsals and stuff (I was in the choir), we'd go into there in pairs, and whoever got the furthest in was the hardest. I never got through the tunnel that Marc Warren and the other one come out of, that place is seriously creepy at night! And then you had the evil 6th formers locking the gate behind you... ugh. Anyway, the task looks doable when you're on the 30foot or so of path before the tunnel, which is probably only about 10 foot. For some reason we always freaked out there. I'm telling you, that graveyard is badly haunted. I was shivering just watching them in there on the dvd. Even in daylight it scares the pants off me!

Elizabeth! Hide the rum.
