
Big fan of Anderson but this movie had no substance. Trevor Fehrman was totally the wrong guy to be casted for the character of Biscuit. The opening scene was too long winded and it just went downhill from there.


agree. This movie is like Mallrats (broken up long-time lovers reconnect after suburban hijinks) without the wit...or Joey Lauren Adams showing her boobs.


I dunno, having seen "Clerks 2" first, I actually totally bought Trevor as Biscuit...


I dunno, I thought it was okay until the end. I get sick and tired of "man must always show he loves girl, girl doesn't have to do a damn thing to show she loves guy" moral of the story.

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i disagree, i mean its not TDK or the departed.... but i really enjoyed it... just a funny feel good movie...a solid 8:-)




It seemed very slow and boring.


I actually thought Trevor Fehrman was the highlight of the movie. The biggest flaw was the awkward pacing and many of the gags falling flat. I think it had a great cast and a solid concept that unfortunately wasn't executed properly. I'd like to see Jeff Anderson give it another shot, but that's highly unlikely at this point.
