Story line...

Does anyone know the story line to this game? Is there even a story line to it?


Yes, it's very simple but it goes along the lines of a gateway to hell is opened meaning there's a full scale invasion and you're the only one who can stop it.


Ooh, I thought you just got back from Mars or something, but the aliens were on earth too. Maybe it's just been so long since I've played it.


The first 2 novels werent bad if you ever wondered about the story, just dont expect pulitzer work, they were a fun read and kept the mood and story of the game. Heres the link...


Doom seems to follow two parts (if you stay true to it's storyline).

The Books have six episodes.

The game however has two.

The books give a deeper perspective to Doom's story.

The actual story would pretty much be told in two parts.
Part 1 - Marines go to UAC's (Union Aerospace Corp.) Mars research and development facilities where they encounter demons from another dimension (UAC accidently rips a hole in the interdimensional walls - as told in Doom 3).
Part 2 - Mission survivors return to Earth to find the demonic holocaust has already begun to ravage their homeworld, the rest is self-explanitory.

If they made motion pictures (good possibility they are) based on Doom, there would be two.

