MovieChat Forums > Doctor Sleep (2002) Discussion > DOCTOR SLEEP on UK Network TV - BBC 2 - ...

DOCTOR SLEEP on UK Network TV - BBC 2 - Thurs 2 September 2004!

You can finally see Doctor Sleep (aka Close Your Eyes aka Hypnotic) on British channel BBC 2 on Thursday September 2, 2004! I haven't seen it before and it's only 90 minutes, so I'll give it a chance...

It was co-financed by the BBC so I'm not suprised it would turn up on the station but I didn't know it would bypass cinema, video AND dvd... ?

Say what you think here, after Thursday.


I don't get this film, is it a film? or is it like a made for tv film?why is it on tv before dvd or video, Idon't get what everyone is saying. Is it any good? if it is I might tape it because bbc2 doesn't have any adverts though sometimes they anoyingly stick the news in the middle of films, like they did with pearl habour.

The supreme being


Well, I was just checking out the movie and three websites say that that the US version is 108 minutes but the BBC 2 version is only 90! Even allowing for the quicker speed of British running times (check for an explanation), that still means that 15 minutes is missing from the film!

I wouls hate to think that vital plot elements were just thrown away to fit the 90 min space on BBC 2. I thought the BBC were better than that!

Why not put it on later?


There were high hopes when the film went into production - it was supposedly a hot script and Visjnic was supposed to be the next big thing (he was certainly massively overpaid for someone who had never made a hit movie because they thought he would 'guarantee' a US sale: sure, and I've got a bit of development property in the Everglades they might be interested in if they're buying that line). When it showed at the Cannes in the market section, admission to buyers was by invitation only implying that the film was so good they didn't need 'passing trade' to see it in case the big boys passed. Well, the big boys did pass, the film hit the shelf and it was re-edited after bad word-of-mouth over the original cut. That's probably the version the BBC are playing. It's certainly not unprecedented - the same thing happened with The Gathering to exactly the same effect (although that did at least get released in Germany) and Darkness (although I don't think that was re-edited).

"Gentlemen, is this a great moment or a small one? I'm afraid I don't know."



Maybe he should stick to ER...


I don't understand the "Supreme Being" tag?
Are you suggesting you are in fact a Supreme Being?
I had to say something, I was going to let it go for it is rather
pointless and a waste of time and thought.
But I was more less curious as to why this is?
It's kind of like a bad license plate spelling *Imkewl* or something like that...
I just never understood people tagging themselves with such over the top
names...Most definately single in terms of a relationship with another human, that is obvious.
Anyone with the nerve to state themself as being supreme whatever there point may be, has definate ego issues that need to be addressed.
Be more modest and tactful with mystery and intellect and you will become art my friend...try it....
And one more thing, a "Supreme Being" would most certainly know how to
spell "Harbor"
I might come across as being a tad bit overboard, but I geuss obnoxious egotistical screen name tags really rub me wrong...

Net-Screen Names that should be banned from the internet below-

Any name that is attached to Eygptian or Greek Gods or Icons.

Any name from ANY Matrix Movies.

Any names that are related to Starwars, especially anything with Darth.

Any Superhero involved in the League Of Justice Or Legion of Doom.

Any Reference to imply that the person is "Bad, Cool, Supreme, Insane, Great,

Any name with izzle is strictly prohibited.

Any name from the Hackers Movie especially Zero-Cool.

No political attachments.

I could go on but it's getting late.....

you get the point.....


Well, I just watched it.

Shallow 'horror' flick. As I'm from London it was nice to see recognisable sights. Most memorable photography was the cranes in the symbolic of the reconstruction of Palladine, nice but obvious twist.

I had Angel Heart on my mind and would rather have seen that.



I saw it too....MAN it bizzaire!bt it did get quite boring @ sum I'd say its watchable...

The Roof, The Roof, The Roof is on fire!



I saw it last night, I thought it wasn't bad. Goran whats his name was a bit 2 dimensional though, and I thought it was a waste of Paddy Considines talents (see 'In America' for better).

Given the obviously low budget, this was a lot better than say 'Gothika' as a supernatural/crime/thriller type film, so Hollywood take note. In fact it makes me think, if this same item had starred Halle Berry, and had been set in New York....would the critics have been so harsh, would the big boys have hesitated to sign for distribution? No to both I feel - Style over content rules!

Trivia - Paddy, and Shirley Henderson (the smoking cop) must have been filming '24hr Party people' together at more or less the same time as this. Are they an item does anyone know?


Well I caught about the last 50 minutes or so, I didn't think it was that bad, good enough that I'm going to try and find the other 40 minutes somewhere...

The lionesses realized they killed a tofudebeest- one of the Serengeti's obnoxious health antelopes


I bought the DVD of Hypnotic months ago.
