Should I even start

This show?
I have watched
Sopranos, Wire, Prison Break, Dexter, Breaking Bad, Sons of Anarchy, Justified, Sherlock, Boardwalk Empire And more

Is This show near as Good as trose?


The Wire and Breaking Bad are the only shows on your list that come close to The Shield. I say check it out.

Please stop.


The Wire and Breaking Bad are the only shows on your list that come close to The Shield. I say check it out.

Oh, please. A few of the other ones on the list are just as good as The Wire and BB which are name dropped all the time that have likely never seen both.


I have no idea what you said.

Please stop.


Ha, that made me laugh


Completely agree. The Wire and Breaking Bad are the only ones that can compete with The Shield as a whole, there is not a single weak season and the finale still holds up as one TVs best (if not the best). The Shield is easily one of the best series ever.


Well I finished first season and i like it 8/10


You'll love it then. It just gets better and better.



Add Oz to the list as well.


It's a matter of taste.

In my opinion nothing in that list competes with Boardwalk Empire.


Yes, it is.


Absolutely!! It is a great series


I always wanted to get the whole series but wanted to wait until today where I found it for $34.96 at Walmart which I think is a pretty good price for The Complete Series what does everyone else think?


The Wire is the best of the best ones but somehow when those kids in school came in I started getting bored.


Only The Wire tops it so yeah start watching.


For me The Wire was is the weakest of those shows
Didnt like at all The Wire, but i finished it


Your life will not be complete until you watch the shield the best show ever


Please,its better than almost all of them.

Do yourself a favour and watch it.


Absolutely. It's one of the most compelling shows in history (big statement to make, but one that is objectively true.)


I just started watching this evening.Just finished the pilot episode.

Now I'm going to binge watch the next 7 seasons,wish me fun!


I wish I could erase the show from my memory and have the pleasure of enjoying it for the first time again. Enjoy the ride!


I'm on season 3...Let me know some of your impressions as you move along..


No question, you'll love the show. I'm 3 episodes away from finishing it for the 2nd time, and I've been binging it like it was the first time. For me, what puts the Shield in that rarified land of TV gold is the pacing of the story. The last 2 and half seasons all feel like one amazing last season. And to top it off, the ending is a work of art.

Oh and one last thing I like to call Shield Moments. The title sequence of a 3 second burst of music timed with the badge graphic sets the tone for the episode. It's incredibly simple but brilliant, and it's my favorite of any show. No one needs to see a 2 minute sequence every episode no matter how beautiful it may be (Game of Thrones).

Have fun, but be careful if you start it at night with work the next morning :)
