The movie.

This movie is beautifully poetic, darkly poetic, fantastically poignant, deeply emotional and extremely phenomenol (sp?).
There are not enough deep meaningful artistic words in the world to describe this movie in all its glory.

Check out my QOTSA site!


[deleted] posted on christmas day, in a fowl manner, like scrooge!
You utter weirdo..
Anyway thanks for the reply.

Check out my QOTSA site!



7th grade?
Phew, I sure think that gives me the evidence I're american, or just unsure of your surroundings..I'm glad you're not british, it would make me feel bad. Plus thats a reason for why you hate this movie, because it is british, you must be utterly racist or something.
Please please please tell me where my spelling was appalling in the post before yours and I shall agree or disagree.

Check out my QOTSA site!



two days after christmas, I use the computer and decide to check my mail, reply to some forums and threads..woah big deal..

Check out my QOTSA site!



Um, yeah, s/he is definitely American (I'm sad to say); in previous posts s/he frequently slipped up and used American spelling and slang.

I don't know why you assume that would be a reason to hate the film, though; or that it's "racist" - since as far as I know, British and American are nationalities, not races.

No PJ, No Hobbit



If you hated it so much why go on about it so much? Personally I hate The Pacifier with Vin Diesel, in fact it's probably the worst film I ever payed money to see. However, I've only ever posted once on that board to have a laugh.

Anyway, never seen this film but just curious about it really.



Well done for not even sticking to the topic.



Why are you comparing two films which have nothing in common? It doesn't matter if the actors are well known or not. Paris Hilton is now a well-known actress, but that doesn't mean she can act worth crap. Seriously, how old are you? I'm guessing 13 or younger.



Oh really? That's interesting since you have no idea how old I am. And even if you were, shame your maturity hasn't caught up.



Ok forget it you're a troll.



Good to know you are familiar with your fairy tales!

Check out my QOTSA site!
