MovieChat Forums > Deathwatch (2002) Discussion > Quinn is a murderer!!!

Quinn is a murderer!!!

So how did Quinn get away with killing a man in Blackpool?
Or did he go to prison?

I guess most people won't know.

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Could he have enlisted and left the country before the police caught up with him? It's been a while since I've seen the film, so I hope I'm not talking nonsense! :)

Stop chasing the mice inside your skull


Maybe, or maybe it was a secret and no-one ever found the body...


P.s welcome to the Deathwatch board.

Check out my site which is at this moment unfinished


Thanks for the welcome! :)

I assume that if Quinn had been a convicted murderer, he would have been in prison for a *very* long time or perhaps even executed.

Stop chasing the mice inside your skull


Yeah I think Quinn killed the man and hid the body somewhere and it was either never found or the body was found yet they didn't have any evidence to who killed him.

Quinn's character was great IMO, do you think so?

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He made by blood run cold! I mean, it must've been bad enough in those trenches without having a bloke like that on your side.

I'll be travelling through trench country over the next couple of days and plan to visit the graves of my 2 great-uncles who were killed over there. Hope I don't met up with Mr Quinn!!

Stop chasing the mice inside your skull



Bridget, old love, you're spending an *awful* lot of time and energy slagging off a film you claim to hate with a passion. I think by now we all realise that you *don't* like Deathwatch - indeed, you have stated the same reasons several times over! So, why don't you just butt out and let me continue my nice correspodence with codename Surface-Tension?

Unless of course you have anything to add to the speculation that Mr Quinn got away with murder and the possible repercussions of having a person like that serving alongside you in trench warfare?

Stop chasing the mice inside your skull



Don't add Bridget99 to ignore Olias UK but instead ignore by just continuing the conversation.

Well Quinn was a very scary, evil man....he played the part excellently, he is a truely awesome actor.

Oh cool, trenches, neat...I have never ever been to trenches before.

Who was your favourite character?

Despite all of them being outstanding in there performances, I will have to say (Jamie Bell) Shakespeare's character was my favourite.

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Quinn strikes me as the type of guy who might have got drunk in Blackpool, had a scuffle down a dark back-alley and took the fight too far, killing the guy. I think he would have probably gotten away with it then, with no DNA technology and with the fact that he is on holiday there.


Well yeah. Exactly.

Check out my site which is at this moment unfinished


I intend to carry on our conversation... never fear! :)

I think I need to watch it again to refresh my memory as to the characters. I found this board the other night when I caught the end of Deathwatch on the telly! I'll decide on a favourite when I see it again, but Quinn is definitely chilling and sticks in the memory. Especially the bit when he says how much he loves murder. <shudder>

I don't know if we'll have time to find any actual trenches, but we'll be visiting the cemeteries. It's a very sobering experience to drive through that part of France as there are little white graves everywhere. :(

Stop chasing the mice inside your skull


Well yeah, Quinn delivered an excellent performance and is a well known actor...

Check out my site which is at this moment unfinished


It's nice to actually see Andy Serkis too, rather than a CGI alter-ego. :)

Stop chasing the mice inside your skull



CGI alter ego?

What do you mean?

Check out my site which is at this moment unfinished


He played Golem and King Kong and did other movement CGI techinques for King Kong. He seems like Peter Jackson's favourite man.


Oh ok

Check out my site which is at this moment unfinished





Personally I think Quinn's coming for Bridget. Oh, my God! He's coming! :o



Well, you'd probably die both ways.


Heh...I liked Quinn. The way he delivered that line "It WAS nice, actually." was f*ing awesome...and so was the scene where they detonate the bombs and everyone is lying facedown on the ground, and Quinn's just sitting there all casual during the explosions. I actually was glad to see him stab that crazy tyrannical officer-guess I'm just a sick person, but he deserved it. On the other hand, Shakespeare annoyed me. He was supposed to be this sympathetic character because of his weakness & the kindness which must have been related to it, but he was just TOO whiny, too weak, and I got sick of watching him flinch.



"Nobody deserves to die @rsehole!"

Americans say "@sshole", for your information.

I really hope you're doing this as a joke, because if not you are the most pathetic creature I've ever encountered on the internet. You actually do this every day? Are you in jail - or a mental ward?
I have to think you must be joking, with your comments about the set and the actors' hair! No one could be that much of an idiot.
Oh yes, WW1 soldiers in a trench full of mud and freezing rain generally look as if they've just walked out of a hair salon.
You're amusing for an obnoxious little creature. May I call you Gollum? Yes, I think I will.


To reply to the rest of Gollum's post:

"Well I don't he couldn't bloody act!"

---And who do you consider a good actor? Just curious...

"You like seeing somebody being killed?"

---Yep. I love it.

"You can say that again!"

---OK, I'm a sick person! *laughs gleefully*

"Nobody deserves to die @rsehole!"

---One comes to mind...*wicked grin*


Any ideas for an answer to the title, people? I thought it would be a good talking point.



OMG Bridget ur so funny!!! wat the hellis wrong with you were u locked in a freezer for a hour or 2 when u wer a kid or smething

u have got to be the most screwd up person here

go and watch smething that you think is worth while and we will cum and do the same to you and lets c hw u feel

Long live British Horror and Neil Marshall!!!



Bridget "Other people may want me to come here!"

---------deafening silence-----------

Yes, Bridget, other people are bubbling over with gratitude that you saved them from watching Deathwatch with your articulate and thoughtful reviews. *rolls eyes*



Really other people want you here? like who exactly?

I'm sorry i can't spell, mind you my lack of spelling ability is no where near as your chronic need for attention and lack of social skills

Why shouldn't they roll their eyes at you, you seem to be insulting everybody else, and its what we are all doing anyway.

And your being a huge hypocrite calling people tossers, looked in the mirror lately? --- cause guess what everybody thinks your one not the person who rolled his/her eyes at you (Sorry I forgot your name)

Long live British Horror and Neil Marshall!!!



"I can't stand the man!"

I take it you know him personally?


Yes it is a free world and thats why people can role their eyes at who they want to without being called a tosser

You just called Maiaminna a tosser !!!! or can't you even read your own previous posts? Therefore you are insulting people.

And even if you didn't call Maiaminna you just called the director one so you are calling people names

Didn't your mother hug you enough when you were a kid? Is that why you are such a attention seeking troll?

Havn't you ever come across the saying "Looked in a mirror lately" in troll land? OK quick lesson then, when somebody says "looked in a mirror lately" they are asking whether you have taken a look at yourself and your behaviour recently and checking whether you are being a hypocrite.

Just thought you might come across that one when you next have attempt to have a conversation with a adult (I know that may be some time but just in case)

Face facts nobody cares and anybody that did care has got the message that you don't like the film by now

Long live British Horror and Neil Marshall!!!



Once again with not answering the questions Bridget99 when are you going to admit that your argument has no evidence and no credibilty

--"None of the actors could act in Deathwatch! The acting was terrible! Not one single person could act in this movie!" --

So are you saying that the actor who played Quinn was infact a murder, if he wasn't acting and he was cast as soldier who was a murderer then he therefore must be a murderer

Face it nobody likes or wants you

Long live British Horror and Neil Marshall!!!



In other words the movie was like your posts --- silly and pointless

Long live British Horror and Neil Marshall!!!



Your posts have a good reason? like what?

Long live British Horror and Neil Marshall!!!



If that's true, than why are you wasting your life talking about it?


Exactly you seem to care about this movie a hell of a lot for somebody who hates it the amount you claim too

Long live British Horror and Neil Marshall!!!


OK everybody I'm sick of Bridget99, everybody who feels the same join me in reporting Bridget99 for trolling, flooding message boards and abuse.

Then maybe we can get back to discussing the topic of the board

Long live British Horror and Neil Marshall!!!



Oh that really cuts me deep Bridget99

I crying on the inside really

Long live British Horror and Neil Marshall!!!



Yes Bridget99 yes it did

Long live British Horror and Neil Marshall!!!



You really are as thick as two short planks arn't u

Long live British Horror and Neil Marshall!!!



If its so easy why don't you write a ending for the film then and we will see if its awful

Prove to us that you do have a brain

Long live British Horror and Neil Marshall!!!



It proves you have an encyclopedia, m'dear.

Oh yes, by the way, Andy Serkis was not crap.


No that proves that you can use a history book.

You are a Troll

Long live British Horror and Neil Marshall!!!



Is that right? Cause you are really proving yourself wrong then

Long live British Horror and Neil Marshall!!!



Thats a different type of troll Bridget99

Your a internet troll

Long live British Horror and Neil Marshall!!!



Here's hoping the bridge you live under collapses.

And now for something completely different...


No, no they don't Bridgett99, that is of course unless you live under a bridge

Long live British Horror and Neil Marshall!!!


Methinks she does. But I take it you're ignoring me...

"It's the bit where you go 'Isweedan,' and Smeagol's kinda rockin'"



You seem to care a hell of a lot about it

Long live British Horror and Neil Marshall!!!


Showin' off my brand-spanking new sig.
"It's the bit where you go 'Isweedan,' and Smeagol's kinda rockin'"



Yea like a year ago Get over it, whinging about it isn't going to get your money back, or haven't you noticed this already

Long live British Horror and Neil Marshall!!!



How many hours have you spent ranting about it here?

I'm going to buy the DVD just to upset you. Actually, I bet that's your plan, eh, Bridgssett?

"It's the bit where you go 'Isweedan,' and Smeagol's kinda rockin'"


What'd he act = Deathwatch
"It's the bit where you go 'Isweedan,' and Smeagol's kinda rockin'"



Hey wtas two hours of "getting your moneys worth" compared to the 50+ hours you've spent compaining about it

Long live British Horror and Neil Marshall!!!



Any yet you waste yet more time compaining about it

Have you got a mental problem?

Long live British Horror and Neil Marshall!!!


"Two hours of my one and only life"

"I know my hell's going to be going back to that chair over and over again 'til the end of time, but in THIS life, my ONE AND ONLY LIFE, I don't EVER want to go back again! EVER!" - Luther Lee Boggs (Brad Dourif), The X Files

"It's the bit where you go 'Isweedan,' and Smeagol's kinda rockin'"



That's terrible. Perhaps you can travel around the world collecting all the Deathwatch DVDs and videotapes and burn them in a giant bonfire, thus exorcising your demons.

"It's the bit where you go 'Isweedan,' and Smeagol's kinda rockin'"


Oh and your doing really well getting rid of that problem on here arn't you - your comments are so constructive and thought provoking etc

Oh hang on no their not - You just a troll

Long live British Horror and Neil Marshall!!!



You are a internet troll, how many times does that have to be pointed out to you you deficient moron!

British Horror and Neil Marshall - The future of good horror


The time of men is over. The time of the troll is at hand!

Yup, he was a murderer, and the guy who played him OUGHT to be murdered for inflicting his "acting" on innocent viewers!

Oh yes, and it's always a bad hair day for Sandy Buttkiss, or whatever his name is...

Bridget is right!




British Horror and Neil Marshall - The future of good horror



What moderators? lol. Yes I agree..they don't seem to get rid of trolls for like a year or two..

Check out my site which is at this moment unfinished


Yea I think Bridget has got another account - yet another rule broken which the mods arn't going to do anything about

British Horror and Neil Marshall - The future of good horror


I never said I liked Deathwatch! The acting was horrible! The actors would rather build houses and paint pictures than act! They were all idiots and whoever cast them is an idiot too! It's a shame they didn't REALLY all die at the beginning of the movie!


Looks like Bridget has developed split personality disorder, doesn't it?

"It's the bit where you go 'Isweedan,' and Smeagol's kinda rockin'"


You know I'm wondering if Bridget and this 'Empress' are indeed one and the same person....


I'm not Bridget! You are immature and stupid! Bridget is a wonderful person! I hate Andy Serkis! He has no fashion sense! He uses too much gel! Don't watch an Andy Serkis movie, you will be highly disappointed!




Woa...that is Bridget99?!?
I guessed when he was James01 and got banned, that he was he has made a new account because he realises he won't be here for much longer..

Check out my site which is at this moment unfinished


Yea respect from yourself from your other account doesn't count, or i am on a different board in which everybody else loves you?

Who actually wants Bridget here apart from her other personality?

British Horror and Neil Marshall - The future of good horror



"Who actually wants Bridget here apart from her other personality"

I do!


Ridiculous and immature...get rid of Bridget99 and HIS weird second account empress_salix.

Check out my site which is at this moment unfinished


I'm sorry it apears that both Bridget and her other personality Empress_salix have troubling reading everything?

Hey I've said before that if any body apart from you wants me to stop then I will, so far Ive had no complants - can you say the same troll

British Horror and Neil Marshall - The future of good horror



yay he is allowing us the watch the rubbish little movie called Deathwatch!
Our pleasure..nerd.

Check out my site which is at this moment unfinished


Your a forum troll, its a different kind of troll, and you are one troll, go away and annoy some other people

Oh and thanks for your permission but like you telling me not to watch the movie was going to stop me Troll

British Horror and Neil Marshall - The future of good horror


I'd rather die than watch Deathwatch and Dandy Dorkis trying to act!



This person has been hauting this forum for years (yep years) now. Used to go by the name James01. He/she/it just constantly posts the same cut and pasted text over and over again about "how this movie ruined my life", "how it sucks" etc. Sad really, I do pity he/she/it as they must have nothign better in life.

Mithaearon - "It can't rain all the time."


Learn to spell Andy Serkis...fool!

Check out my site which is at this moment unfinished


I think they ment to spell it that way as an attempt at being funny, notice the word attempt there.

Who's forcing you to watch the film again Troll? thats right nobody here so go and take your Trolling somewhere else

British Horr


I spell it that way because I hate him so much, typing his name makes me ill.


No you were trying to be funny and now you are trying to cover your actions when you failed, we arn't stupid

Mods please BAN Bridget99 and empress_salix, See the Deathwatch forums for reasons.


I totally agree with you, I'd rather you die than watch Deathwatch. I would also rather you stop making pointless posts but hey we can't always get what we want.

Mithaearon - "It can't rain all the time."



"It didn't do that for me!"

So then you spent years coming to the movies message board posting the same old thing other and other again? Why not just get over it (/me prepares for "I can't get over it, it ruined my life!" reply).

Mithaearon - "It can't rain all the time."


I know they spelt it like that on purpose....duh.

Check out my site which is at this moment unfinished


I spell it like that to show my contempt for him! He doesn't deserve to have his name spelled right!


Hes more of a success than you will ever be

Mods please BAN Bridget99 and empress_salix, See the Deathwatch forums for reasons.



Oh and you can? want to show us your best effort

Mods please BAN Bridget99 and empress_salix, See the Deathwatch forums for reasons.


I'm a better actor than he is by far.



Yea thats not surprising seening as your both trolls and yea the same person!!!

Mods please BAN Bridget99 and empress_salix, See the Deathwatch forums for reasons.


I quite enjoyed Deathwatch: having lived in a WW1-frontline village for 25 years myself makes me always eager to see any WW1-movie.
This one obviously suffered from a faulty script, a lot of mistakes and a severely restricted budget, but still I do not regret seeing it.

Even more enjoyable was reading the message boards, especially the posts from a certain individual that keeps repeating and contradicting himself :)
Since I have some free time, why not post something to this troll?

"That is correct! I didn't get what I wanted when I paid to see Deathwatch! I was expecting a great movie with an all star cast, brilliantly written and well directed! "
Hmmmmm, in what backward slum do you live, Bridget? In my regular movie theatre they put up something called a 'poster'. It is quite nice because on it you can see who directed the movie and who stars in it. That could help you to know what to expect from a movie. And you may have heard of another useful tool, the internet? There is a site called IMDB, where you can find out stuff about a movie you are going to see. But do not forget to ask your parents to turn off the cybernanny-software first.
There are other ways to find out what a movie will be like, but I am already typing too much here.

I've seen a couple of thousand movies so far and I've seen much worse than Deadwatch (anyone seen a Danielle Steel movie or one of Uwe Boll's monstrosities?). So broaden your horizon before you go back under your bridge and try to scare kids who are even smaller than you.

So, that is all the free time I got for today, duty calls in the form of 500 employees that have to be paid.


Goood another person who wants Bridget and Salix to shut up

Good Calls by the way

Mods please BAN Bridget99 and empress_salix, See the Deathwatch forums for reasons.



LOL good one, and "grow up" yea like you have

Mods please BAN Bridget99 and empress_salix, See the Deathwatch forums for reasons.


Yeah, right.


Strange that you say to someone to grow up when you are clearly a little kid yourself. Who else would ask questions about things he did not understand in Disney movies? By the way if you still have questions about The Little Mermaid or The Lion King, then I'm sure my 8 year old cousin can answer them for you.

Have a nice day and be sure you don't trip over barb wire, it would be a terrible loss to humanity if something happened to you.

Got some more free time today, somebody knows any other trolls to bash?



Why should we go annoy somebody else you refuse to, TROLL

Mods please BAN Bridget99 and empress_salix, See the Deathwatch forums for reasons.



Or what TROLL? what are you going to do TROLL?

Mods please BAN Bridget99 and empress_salix, See the Deathwatch forums for reasons.




oh don't you like being called a TROLL?


Mods please BAN Bridget99 and empress_salix, See the Deathwatch forums for reasons.


You know what? I think verity farseer and Bridget are the same person.



Bridget99 its no use trying to get your other account to justify your actions,just go and find somebody else to annoy

Mods please BAN Bridget99 and empress_salix, See the Deathwatch forums for reasons.


Somebody has to read your posts :)
Too bad there's nothing interesting in any of them :(
So go back under your bridge and leave this forum for serious people.

As Thor said years ago in Avengers Heroes Reborn (yes, I'm that old) : "Have at thee troll. Dost thou like the taste of Mjolnir?"





Why do you keep doing this? What's the point? This goes for Verity & Bridget "both". ;)
"It's the bit where you go 'Isweedan,' and Smeagol's kinda rockin'"



OMG he's still at it!!




Maintain the front for a day = all idea, no follow-through

Maintain the front for a week = a goer

Maintain the front for a month = dedicated

Maintain the front for 1-6 months = really needs a hobby

Maintain the front for *3 years* = IT'S NOT A FRONT. BACK AWAY SLOWLY.
