Ignore Bridget

If anyone actually wants to discuss Deathwatch on this board, I advise you to put Bridget on your ignore list immediately. Don't believe me? Surf through a few of the threads. All he/she/it does is spam every thread with pointless cut-and-paste posts. I'm sure Bridget thinks this is very funny, but those of you who don't, you know what to do. Don't waste your time arguing with the troll; plenty of people have already done that. Bridget will not respond in any rational way.
You might also want to put Verity Farseer on your ignore list as well. That account seems to be a sock puppet which exists only to argue endlessly with Bridget.









Thanks for the vote of confidance Miamaima, I could have said that you were a spineless loser for not standing up 2 the troll but no I kept my mouth shut. Perhaps you could do the same. And just remember that in the not so distant past you also have done the same thing that I am doing.

Glenn Quinn 1970 ~ 2002 RIP Doyle


The difference is I haven't wasted the last six months (and God knows how much longer) making daily posts on this board that aren't even about the movie. There's only one person that pathetic...Bridget Farseer.


No you make posts every two or three days.

What your problem is I do not know

Glenn Quinn 1970 ~ 2002 RIP Doyle


Go *beep* yourself Bridget. You say this movie wasted 2 hours of your life, yet you waste every single *beep* minute of every single *beep* day of your *beep* pathetic life *beep* You are a *beep* moron. Go ahead and give your *beep* opinion, but then stop you *beep* troll. Your opinion isn't going to *beep* change anything, no matter how many times you *beep* copy and paste it. I can copy and paste too.

Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard. Bridget is a retard.

Like I've said before, go back to Moria you *beep* troll.


I love it when somebody else joins the war

Glenn Quinn 1970 ~ 2002 RIP Doyle



Much like your life then Bridget

Glenn Quinn 1970 ~ 2002 RIP Doyle



Very school yard Bridget, at least the majority of my responses have a degree of witt to them rather the cut and paste buttons.

Glenn Quinn 1970 ~ 2002 RIP Doyle



Or your going to do what exactly Bridget?, call me a slut?

Glenn Quinn 1970 ~ 2002 RIP Doyle



Oh yes and please tell me why I should do that?

When we tell you to shut up you don't so why should it work that other way round?

Glenn Quinn 1970 ~ 2002 RIP Doyle



"None of the actors could act. The special effects were rubbish. The musical score sucked. The script was cheesey. The story was all messed up"

And are you trying to say that Spiderman wasn't all of these things.

And thanks for answering my question you just proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that you are a internet troll as if we didn't know that already.

Glenn Quinn 1970 ~ 2002 RIP Doyle



And Spiderman is? I don't think so!

Also I think the movie The Two Towers was considerably larger being number 22 on the top 250 and the *beep* Spiderman not even being ranked. And before you say Deathwatch wasn't ranked either. Deathwatch wasn't as widely released as Spiderman nor was it targeted for such a large demographic (if a internet troll like you can understand that)

Just because a movie is a hit doesn't make it quality

Glenn Quinn 1970 ~ 2002 RIP Doyle



You don't know anybody. All your friends were goats, but you scared them away.


"So why the f88k was Deathwatch made, if it wasn't aimed at a big audience like Lord of the Rings was?"

Because its a genre film fool. Some films fall into specfic genres and arn't intended for huge release due to the content of the film.

If your going to try and rip down a movie at least know something about film in general. Otherwise go back to playing with dolls

Glenn Quinn 1970 ~ 2002 RIP Doyle



"I do know a lot about this movie, and that is that it is crap!"

I know a lot about my own left foor doesn't mean I should go out and become a foot docter does it?

Glenn Quinn 1970 ~ 2002 RIP Doyle



I'm sorry if my spelling isn't perfect, typing at speed is one of my focuses in life. At least im willing to admit my faults unlike yourself.

Also I'm pretty sure you don't spell the 'f' word with two 8's but hey thats just me.

I burst into fits of laughter whenever I read yours as well by the looks of it we find each other hilarious. Although I think my laughter is slightly different to yours.

Glenn Quinn 1970 ~ 2002 RIP Doyle



How did you laugh at the ending if you walked out of it?

Do you even read your messages?

And *beep* is not spelled with two 8's you pussy.



Damn dude. You are one stupid bloke...er...lass...er...it.
This film was a good watch. I realy liked this film. I even went out of my way to buy the film on DVD (so hard to find in shops).

Anyway, in ALOT of your pointless, repeditive troll posts, you say that this film will be forgoten. It may well be, but not by you it would seem.
I say this as a...oh hell, stuff it. Seek profesional help you stupid bugger.


Good point man.

Bridgett Deathwatch will never be forgotten as long as one person in the world remembers the film, as long as one person in the world believes the film was made then it will not be forgotten. You I think will never forget the film, therefore you will actually keep the film alive. The only way to trully make the film be forgotten is to stop reminding and baiting people into replying and remembering the film.

If you do you will have your way. We will forget the film even exists and you will have succeeded in your aim. The film will be forgotten.

Glenn Quinn 1970 ~ 2002 RIP Doyle


This is insane.......

"Bastian! Please! Call my name!" "Mooooooooooonchiiiiiiiiiiiiild!"



It's so very obvious that Bridget99 has ADD, and Verity Farseer is only encouraging her.

It's all rather sad and pathetic really. It actually makes me laugh how some people can be so weird that they could spend 7+ months arguing about a film on an internet message board. This isn't even about the film anymore.

Either you both grow up or pi$$ off.


Wow Bridget is such a troll! I mean really, I just tried to hit the "report abuse" button, not for the first time concerning this poster, and I got a big red message saying that the administrators are dealing with the copious amounts of reports for that account. I think that tells us all something.
I happen to think Deathwatch is a good film and would like this board to be used to discuss it, if someone wants to criticise it, they do not need to do it with the same message numerous amounts of time.

Twelve times did the iron register of time beat on the sonorous bell metal



It is sad that your English and grammar are terrible! God, now THERE is somebody who writes like they are still in third grade.

Jesus, I bet you never passed any of your exams in school.

Go and get some proper English lessons before calling me a troll!

There - fixed it for you. And that lesson is free of charge, Troll.


I do know that he got banned from the site when he was James01. He came back as Bridget99.

"Bastian! Please! Call my name!" "Mooooooooooonchiiiiiiiiiiiiild!"



And yeah Bridget99 has ADD, people, so just stop continuing the ranting on.

Check out my QOTSA site! www.piczo.com/qotsa-site/



Go *beep* Yourself.

All I Want Is Some Home Electronics! He Gets To Go To The Damn Dagobah System!


Someone should tie Bridget/James down and force him to watch Deathwatch non stop 24 hours a day, for a week, just to see what would happen.


I Just wanna say first that all these posts made me laugh so much, Bridget is being a little OTT about hating the film. And i Agree with mlrock.
The ending didn't have to make sense, not everything in the film industry has to make sense, it's up to your own interpritraion of the film, . Some people liked it, others dont, but i don't think it's fair to say that the whole thing was crap, what about the atmosphere? That was awesome. I'd like to see Bidget make a film like Deathwatch with a low budget.



If you hate the film so much, why keep coming back to lampoon it? Seriously, did this film scar you, or was it just what was on as you were being buggered?
