MovieChat Forums > Deathwatch (2002) Discussion > interesting theory: interesting theory:

who here thinks that Bridget99 is a computer program?

it explains its staying power, perseverence, its complete refusal to say anything new except generate insults, and its obsession.

I mean come on, it's been voted the greatest troll on this site! you don't get to that spot if you're a human.

Sylocat's movie test:



How can someone feel so strongly about a movie that wasn't that good or that bad?



you may have something there.
"Voted the greatest troll"?? LOL. Where were they voting on that?



***who here thinks that Bridget99 is a computer program?***

That's too much of a compliment. ;) I put the troll on ignore and I suggest others do the same. She's just a waste of time.



You have to be the dumbest person to have ever posted on any board anywhere at any time Bridget99. If you don't like the movie post ONE message saying you don't like it then get on with your life. It's obvious you have something against the director....worst first time effort ever? Whats worst is that you probably threw yourself at the director and he turned you down, either that or you tried out for this movie and didn't get the part of the corps because you didn't have the acting skills to play dead.

I've been reading (unfortunately) most of your posts on this movie and your acting like a petulant spoilt child and having looked at the other movies your posting on i can well believe you are a petulant spoilt child.

You've had your say, we know you hate the movie and the director, move on with your life.



He's a dumb?
He is what known as a stupid director?
Was it Michael J. Bassett ever going to be?
A failed filmmaker stucking shelves in a supermarket?

lol and you call others morons.

lol you have to be THE dumbest person to ever draw breath.



Nope i was right first time, thats you.



Still more talented than you will ever be.


Interesting theory temukamacca!
It isn't normal someone hates a movie and a director so much!
Maybe the director fired Bridget99 or something similar...
I can't stand he or she offending people who don't think like him/her and that he/she introduces bad opinions answering to the posts in a way not related with the matter!!!
Very boring & unbearable!


Who cares? Just add them to the ignore list and let them wank themselves into oblivion getting hard-ons from annoying people and what-have-you.
