Megatherium innaccuracy

In episode 5, the Megatherium is shown scavenging off a carcass and killing a sabertoothed cat that tries to stop him. That may not be true. The Megatherium was a strict herbivore and there is no fossil evidence that it ever scavenged dead animals.

I'm sorry but I don't loan girls money!


I wonder where they got that from, I don't think they made it up. Of course, they needed an excuse to have it confront the Smilodon who would normally think twice about getting near it, but they could just as easily have done something else. Ergo, I think there is some basis for this. Maybe they based it off a similar present day creature. Most of the stuff Dimetrodon did in WWM was based on the Komodo dragon. great Alien/Predator forum!


Its a *theory* that an Argentinian paleontologist brought some years ago under the excuse that Megatherium's diet was too poor to sustain such a big animal, but almost everyone else on the field doesn't agree with it. In fact, there is nothing in Megatherium's teeth or cropolites that shows any sign of meat consumption, carrion or not. Personally, I don't get why did they include that, other than an easy way to kill off one of the brothers.


That theory does float around here and there. They have even been thought to turn over Doedicorus and other glyptodonts on their backs and attack their belly.

Of course, most theorists claim this is merely a fanciful suggestion. Admit it, that would be pretty badass, wouldn't it? I could still easily imagine the smilodon-killer scenario as self-defense
