The choose game:

Who'd win in a fight?

Andrewsarchus or Smilodon?

Gastornis or Phorusrachus?

Dinotherium or Mammoth?


- Andrewsarchus... smilodon had to take care of its teeth.
- Phorurachus... they worked in groups and look swifter.
- Dinotherium... the tusks look more dangerous.


Andrewsarchus is bigger, but Smilodon is faster. I love both animals, but WWB makes Smilodon look more badass. But I think andy could kill one if it was alone.

Phorusrachus is bigger and seemingly faster (not to mention specialized in prey large as Gastornis).

Depends on what Mammoth species you mean. The ones in WWB would lose, but there were species that could rival Dienotherium in size. Mammoth would be better for fighting than Deinotherium's. But once they break (and they will), they have nothing to show for it. Deinotherium is my answer
