Bruce Lee look alike....

There is one guy in the movie that looks like bruce lee (just the face though)



i assume you mean the SS goalkeeper (one who gets kicked through the net at close range)..

he even had the Game of Death yellow and black one piece on. I'm sure that was no coincidence...Chow said during the film that Lee was his idol.


i thought the man was awesome.
also, i'm sure him looking like bruce lee was intentional.
the scene where he gets carried out of the stadium after he's badly injured is reminiscent of bruce lee's deathbed (bruce lee is wearing the same sunglasses)



And also as he gets carried away in the stretcher, Stephen Chow says to him "even though you're no longer with us, your spirit will always be here" as they salute. I think that really is meant for Bruce Lee.


WOW now that makes the speech even more meaningful...

on another note, when i first saw the guy, i was like WTF bruce lee??!!!..and then omg but he really looks like bruce lee!!maybe its the haircut n the yellow he's kinda cute too hehe^^


Yeah, that was intentional actually. Notice his yellow and black jumpsuit? Game of death right there.

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The actor's name is Chan Kwok Kwan. He is starring in a mainland series about Bruce Lee's life.

Stephen Chow usually has some Bruce Lee reference in his movies.

Also in the scene when the nasty boss lady tells Sing that she killed Mui. Stephen says the exact line that Bruce Lee says in Fist of Fury.


He doesn't just look like Bruce Lee - when you look at his gestures, the mimicry - it is so like Bruce Lee, I think the guy's a genius.


Well, that's because Chow directed him to mimic Bruce's mannerisms. On the bonus features of the dvd, I think there's a clip of Chow doing just that.


Plus he did that little shriek when he tossed the ball across the length of the field to score.

Everybody likes the Shen.
